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The psycho-social and clinical profile of women referred for psycho-legal evaluation to forensic mental health units in South Africa.
South African Journal of Psychiatry ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-21 , DOI: 10.4102/sajpsychiatry.v25i0.1230
Mohammed Nagdee 1, 2, 3 , Lillian Artz 4 , Carmen Corral-Bulnes 4 , Aisling Heath 4 , Ugasvaree Subramaney 5, 6 , Helena G de Clercq 7, 8 , Helmut Erlacher 1, 2 , Carla Kotze 9, 10 , Gian Lippi 9, 10 , Samantha Naidoo 5, 6 , Funeka Sokudela 9, 10

Background There is a paucity of research on women offenders in the South African context, particularly those referred for forensic psychiatric observation. Little is known about their life histories, the nature of their offences or the psycho-social contexts that enable, or are antecedents to, women’s criminal offending. Aims This research study, the largest of its kind in South Africa, examined the psycho-social contexts within which women offenders referred for psychiatric evaluation come to commit offences. The profiles of both offenders and victims, as well as reasons for referral and forensic mental health outcomes, were investigated. Methods A retrospective record review of 573 cases, spanning a 12-year review period, from six different forensic psychiatric units in South Africa, was conducted. Results The findings describe a population of women offenders who come from backgrounds of socio-demographic and socio-economic adversity, with relatively high pre-offence incidences of being victims of abuse themselves, with significant levels of mental ill-health and alcohol abuse permeating their life histories. The majority of index offences which led to court-ordered forensic evaluations were for violent offences against the person, with murder being the single most common index offence in the sample. Most victims of violence were known to the accused. There were also relatively high rates of psychotic and mood-spectrum disorders present, with relatively low rates of personality disorders. The majority of women were deemed to be trial competent and criminally responsible in relation to their index offences. Conclusion It is recommended that more standardised and gender-sensitive forensic mental health assessment approaches, documentation and reporting be employed throughout the country. Future research should compare male and female offending patterns and forensic mental health profiles.



背景 在南非,对女性罪犯的研究很少,尤其是那些转介进行法医精神病学观察的女性罪犯。人们对她们的生活史、她们犯罪的性质或促成或导致女性犯罪的社会心理背景知之甚少。目的 这项在南非同类研究中规模最大的研究调查了被转介接受精神病学评估的女性罪犯实施犯罪的心理社会背景。调查了罪犯和受害者的概况,以及转诊的原因和法医心理健康结果。方法 对来自南非六个不同法医精神病学单位的 573 例跨越 12 年审查期的回顾性记录进行审查。结果 调查结果描述了一群来自社会人口和社会经济逆境背景的女性罪犯,她们在犯罪前本身就是虐待受害者的发生率相对较高,她们的精神疾病和酗酒程度很高生活史。大多数导致法院下令进行法医评估的指标犯罪是针对人身的暴力犯罪,谋杀是样本中最常见的指标犯罪。被告认识大多数暴力受害者。精神病和情绪障碍的发生率也相对较高,人格障碍的发生率相对较低。大多数妇女被认为具有审判能力,并对她们的指示性罪行负有刑事责任。结论 建议在全国范围内采用更加标准化和性别敏感的法医心理健康评估方法、文件和报告。未来的研究应该比较男性和女性的犯罪模式和法医心理健康状况。