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Potential clinical applications of circulating cell-free DNA in ovarian cancer patients
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-18 , DOI: 10.1017/erm.2018.5
Ana Barbosa 1 , Ana Peixoto 2 , Pedro Pinto 1 , Manuela Pinheiro 1 , Manuel R Teixeira 1

Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) consists of small fragments of DNA that circulate freely in the bloodstream. In cancer patients, a fraction of cfDNA is derived from tumour cells, therefore containing the same genetic and epigenetic alterations, and is termed circulating cell-free tumour DNA. The potential use of cfDNA, the so-called ‘liquid biopsy’, as a non-invasive cancer biomarker has recently received a lot of attention. The present review will focus on studies concerning the potential clinical applications of cfDNA in ovarian cancer patients.


循环游离 DNA 在卵巢癌患者中的潜在临床应用

循环游离 DNA (cfDNA) 由在血流中自由循环的 DNA 小片段组成。在癌症患者中,一部分 cfDNA 来源于肿瘤细胞,因此包含相同的遗传和表观遗传改变,被称为循环无细胞肿瘤 DNA。cfDNA(即所谓的“液体活检”)作为非侵入性癌症生物标志物的潜在用途最近受到了广泛关注。本综述将重点关注有关 cfDNA 在卵巢癌患者中的潜在临床应用的研究。