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Behavior Modification ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-06 , DOI: 10.1177/0145445518769737

Keuthen, N.J., Tung, E.S., Woods, D.W., Franklin, M.E., Altenburger, E.M., Pauls, D.L., & Flessner, C.A. (2015). Replication study of the Milwaukee inventory for subtypes of trichotillomania-adult version in a clinically-characterized sample. Behavior Modification. 39(4):580-599. DOI: 10.1177/0145445515580533 The authors regret that there is an error in the first paragraph of page 595. It should read as follows and the changes are shown in bold. "Thus, strategies likely to enhance awareness (e.g., stimulus control and habit reversal) would now be primarily appropriate for those with low scores on the Intention scale. In summary, pullers with high scores on the Emotion scale and high scores on the Intention scale would likely benefit most with ACT or DBT. Pullers with low scores on the Intention scale and low scores on the Emotion scale would likely profit most from treatment beginning with stimulus control and habit reversal."



Keuthen,NJ,Tung,ES,伍兹,DW,Franklin,ME,Altenburger,EM,Pauls,DL,&Flessner,CA(2015)。临床特征样本中密尔沃基清单的毛滴虫病成人型亚型的复制研究。行为修改。39(4):580-599。DOI:10.1177 / 0145445515580533作者感到遗憾的是,第595页的第一段中有错误。它应如下所示,并且更改以粗体显示。“因此,可能会增强意识的策略(例如,刺激控制和习惯逆转)现在主要适用于意图量表得分较低的人。总之,在情感量表上得分较高且意图量表上得分较高的制表者可能会从ACT或DBT中受益最多。