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Is the Pace of Biomedical Innovation Slowing?
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/pbm.2018.0067
Arturo Casadevall

ABSTRACT:The pace of biomedical innovation is important because it determines the rate of progress in medicine and allied disciplines. A review of the history of medical advances reveals that the three decades from 1950 to 1980 were a particularly innovative time. Subsequent decades have seen fewer seminal advances, despite continued improvements in many biomedical technologies. Although the biomedical sciences continue to be innovative, the question posed in this essay is whether the rate of innovation has slowed relative to the available knowledge base. The pace of innovation varies tremendously depending on the specific field considered. Overall, the pace of innovation may be slower than in the past, especially when measured against the biomedical knowledge base available today versus that available then. Ten factors are discussed that could be slowing biomedical innovation. If biomedical innovation is slowing, then restoring a faster pace would require the cooperation of government, industry and academia, for the problems are multifaceted and intertwined.



摘要:生物医学创新的步伐很重要,因为它决定了医学和相关学科的进步速度。回顾医学进步的历史可以发现,从 1950 年到 1980 年的这三个十年是一个特别具有创新性的时期。在随后的几十年里,尽管许多生物医学技术不断改进,但开创性的进展却越来越少。尽管生物医学科学不断创新,但本文提出的问题是,相对于可用的知识库,创新的速度是否有所放缓。创新的步伐因所考虑的特定领域而异。总的来说,创新的步伐可能比过去慢,特别是当用今天可用的生物医学知识库与当时可用的生物医学知识库进行比较时。讨论了可能减缓生物医学创新的十个因素。如果生物医学创新正在放缓,那么要恢复更快的步伐,就需要政府、产业界和学术界的合作,因为问题是多方面的、相互交织的。