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Energy crops affecting farmland birds in Central Europe: insights from a miscanthus-dominated landscape.
Biologia ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-15 , DOI: 10.2478/s11756-018-0143-1
Jan M Kaczmarek 1 , Tadeusz Mizera 1 , Piotr Tryjanowski 1

The expansion of energy crops such as miscanthus Miscanthus x giganteus has changed the habitat of European farmland birds. However, most studies on the subject are based in Western Europe. We surveyed the avian community in a sample bioenergy landscape in Poland to investigate the pattern of use of the crop by birds in Central Europe. During a year-long survey, 80 species were noted, with 32 sighted in miscanthus. The number of bird sightings was negatively correlated with the area covered by miscanthus in study plots. In contrast to results from Western Europe, most woodland-generalist bird species tended to avoid miscanthus. Farmland species (e.g. the corn bunting Miliaria calandra; the tree sparrow Passer montanus; the starling Sturnus vulgaris; the yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella) were less frequently sighted in the crop than in other habitats. Only a few species were sighted more often in miscanthus than in other habitats, e.g. the marsh warbler Acrocephalus palustris; the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus; the whinchat Saxicola rubetra. The potential impact of expanded miscanthus cropping on bird communities in Central and Eastern Europe may diverge from predictions derived from studies based in Western Europe due to differing habitat preferences and bird densities between the regions. For a majority of farmland species, the crop may constitute only a suboptimal, supplementary habitat, with only a few birds potentially adapting to the exploitation of bioenergy plantations.



能源作物的增长,例如“芒草”(Micanthus Miscanthus)x“巨蚁”(giganteus),改变了欧洲农田鸟类的栖息地。但是,有关该主题的大多数研究都来自西欧。我们在波兰的一个生物能源景观样本中调查了鸟类群落,以调查中欧鸟类对农作物的利用方式。在为期一年的调查中,发现了80种,其中有32种见于猕猴桃。在研究区中,发现鸟类的数量与桔梗所覆盖的面积呈负相关。与西欧的结果相反,大多数林地贵族鸟类都倾向于避开桔梗。农田物种(例如,玉米tingMiliaaria calandra;麻雀Passer montanus ;;鸟八哥(Sturnus vulgaris);与其他生境相比,在农作物中发现黄锤(Emberiza citrinella)的频率较低。与其他栖息地相比,在五芒雀中发现的物种更常见,例如沼泽莺Acrocephalus palustris。芦苇彩旗EEmberiza schoeniclus;索萨克西拉·卢贝特拉(thaxat Saxicola rubetra)。由于中美洲和东欧地区不同的生境偏好和鸟类密度的不同,扩大的五芒雀种植对中欧和东欧鸟类群落的潜在影响可能与基于西欧研究得出的预测有所不同。对于大多数农田物种而言,农作物可能仅构成次优的补充生境,只有少数鸟类可能适应生物能源种植园的开发。沼泽莺Acrocephalus palustris;芦苇彩旗EEmberiza schoeniclus;索萨克西拉·卢贝特拉(thaxat Saxicola rubetra)。由于中美洲和东欧地区不同的生境偏好和鸟类密度的不同,扩大的五芒雀种植对中欧和东欧鸟类群落的潜在影响可能与基于西欧研究得出的预测有所不同。对于大多数农田物种而言,农作物可能仅构成次优的补充生境,只有少数鸟类可能适应生物能源人工林的开发。沼泽莺Acrocephalus palustris;芦苇彩旗EEmberiza schoeniclus;索萨克西拉·卢贝特拉(thaxat Saxicola rubetra)。由于中美洲和东欧地区不同的生境偏好和鸟类密度的不同,扩大的五芒雀种植对中欧和东欧鸟类群落的潜在影响可能与基于西欧研究得出的预测有所不同。对于大多数农田物种而言,农作物可能仅构成次优的补充生境,只有少数鸟类可能适应生物能源种植园的开发。由于中美洲和东欧地区不同的生境偏好和鸟类密度的不同,扩大的五芒雀种植对中欧和东欧鸟类群落的潜在影响可能与基于西欧研究得出的预测有所不同。对于大多数农田物种而言,农作物可能仅构成次优的补充生境,只有少数鸟类可能适应生物能源人工林的开发。由于中美洲和东欧地区不同的生境偏好和鸟类密度的不同,扩大的五芒雀种植对中欧和东欧鸟类群落的潜在影响可能与基于西欧研究得出的预测有所不同。对于大多数农田物种而言,农作物可能仅构成次优的补充生境,只有少数鸟类可能适应生物能源种植园的开发。