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Improving Factor Score Estimation Through the Use of Observed Background Characteristics
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2016-09-09 , DOI: 10.1080/10705511.2016.1220839
Patrick J Curran 1 , Veronica Cole 1 , Daniel J Bauer 1 , Andrea M Hussong 1 , Nisha Gottfredson 1

A challenge facing nearly all studies in the psychological sciences is how to best combine multiple items into a valid and reliable score to be used in subsequent modeling. The most ubiquitous method is to compute a mean of items, but more contemporary approaches use various forms of latent score estimation. Regardless of approach, outside of large-scale testing applications, scoring models rarely include background characteristics to improve score quality. This article used a Monte Carlo simulation design to study score quality for different psychometric models that did and did not include covariates across levels of sample size, number of items, and degree of measurement invariance. The inclusion of covariates improved score quality for nearly all design factors, and in no case did the covariates degrade score quality relative to not considering the influences at all. Results suggest that the inclusion of observed covariates can improve factor score estimation.


