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Polyhalite microfabrics in an Alpine evaporite mélange: Hallstatt, Eastern Alps
Journal of Structural Geology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2013-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2012.10.006
Anja Schorn 1 , Franz Neubauer 1 , Manfred Bernroider 1

In the Hallstatt salt mine (Austria), polyhalite rocks occur in 0.5–1 m thick and several metre long tectonic lenses within the protocataclasite to protomylonite matrix of the Alpine Haselgebirge Fm.. Thin section analysis of Hallstatt polyhalites reveals various fabric types similar to metamorphic rocks of crust-forming minerals, e.g. quartz and feldspar. Polyhalite microfabrics from Hallstatt include: (1) polyhalite mylonites, (2) metamorphic reaction fabrics, (3) vein-filling, fibrous polyhalite and (4) cavity-filling polyhalite. The polyhalite mylonites contain a wide range of shear fabrics commonly known in mylonitic quartzo–feldspathic shear zones within the ductile crust and developed from a more coarse-grained precursor rock. The mylonites are partly overprinted by recrystallised, statically grown polyhalite grains. Metamorphic reaction fabrics of polyhalite fibres between blödite (or astrakhanite) [Na2Mg(SO4)2.4H2O] and anhydrite have also been found. According to previous reports, blödite may occur primarily as nodules or intergrown with löweite. Reaction fabrics may have formed by exsolution, (re-)crystallisation, parallel growth or replacement. This fabric type was only found in one sample in relation with the decomposition of blödite at ca. 61 °C in the presence of halite or slightly above, testifying, therefore, a late stage prograde fabric significantly younger than the main polyhalite formation.



在哈尔施塔特盐矿(奥地利),在高山 Haselgebirge Fm 的原碎裂岩到原土长石基质内,杂卤石出现在 0.5-1 m 厚和数米长的构造透镜中。 哈尔施塔特杂卤石的薄片分析揭示了各种类似于变质地壳形成矿物的岩石,例如石英和长石。来自哈尔施塔特的杂卤石微织物包括:(1) 杂卤石糜棱岩,(2) 变质反应织物,(3) 脉状填充、纤维状杂卤石和 (4) 空腔填充杂卤石。杂卤石糜棱岩在韧性地壳内的糜棱质石英-长石剪切带中含有广泛的剪切织物,通常已知,并由更粗粒的前驱体岩石发育而成。糜棱岩部分被重结晶、静态生长的杂卤石颗粒套印。还发现了 blödite(或 astrakhanite)[Na2Mg(SO4)2.4H2O] 和硬石膏之间的杂卤石纤维变质反应织物。根据之前的报道,Blödite 可能主要以结核的形式出现或与 löweite 共生。反应织物可能通过出溶、(再)结晶、平行生长或置换形成。这种织物类型仅在一个与 blodite 在约 2 小时分解的样品中发现。在存在岩盐或略高于 61 °C 的情况下,证明了晚期顺行织物比主要杂卤石形成明显年轻。(重)结晶、平行生长或置换。这种织物类型仅在一个与 blodite 在约 2 小时分解的样品中发现。在岩盐存在或略高于 61 °C 的情况下,证明了晚期顺行织物比主要杂卤石形成明显年轻。(重)结晶、平行生长或置换。这种织物类型仅在一个与 blodite 在约 2 小时分解的样品中发现。在岩盐存在或略高于 61 °C 的情况下,证明了晚期顺行织物比主要杂卤石形成明显年轻。