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Future challenges in colloid and interfacial science
Colloid and Polymer Science ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2010-01-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00396-009-2176-z
Helmuth Möhwald 1

This article deals with topics where I expect special future challenges, exemplifying these by experiments out of my own department. One area where I expect large progress also in view of many technical developments in the past concerns the understanding of the structure of fluid interfaces at the atomic level. It is shown by non-linear optical spectroscopies that the free water surface is ice-like and can be “liquefied” by ion adsorption. X-ray fluorescence from the interface demonstrates that ion binding is very specific which cannot be explained by existing theories. A second major area are nonequilibrium features, and one of the old and new ones here is nucleation and growth. This presentation concentrates on effects produced by ultrasound, a well-defined trigger of gas bubble formation. It exhibits high potential for chemistry at extreme conditions but with a reactor at normal conditions. It has special importance for treatment of surfaces that can be also manipulated via controlled surface energies. A third area will concern complex and smart systems with multiple functions in materials and biosciences. As next generation, I anticipate those with feedback control, and examples on this are self-repairing coatings.



本文涉及我预计未来会面临特殊挑战的主题,并通过我自己部门的实验来举例说明。鉴于过去的许多技术发展,我预计会有很大进展的一个领域是在原子水平上对流体界面结构的理解。非线性光学光谱表明,自由水表面呈冰状,可被离子吸附“液化”。来自界面的 X 射线荧光表明离子结合是非常特殊的,现有理论无法解释。第二个主要领域是非平衡特征,这里的新旧特征之一是成核和生长。本演讲重点介绍超声波产生的影响,超声波是气泡形成的明确触发因素。它在极端条件下表现出很高的化学潜力,但在正常条件下使用反应器。它对于处理也可以通过受控表面能进行操作的表面具有特别重要的意义。第三个领域将涉及在材料和生物科学中具有多种功能的复杂智能系统。作为下一代,我预计会有反馈控制,这方面的例子是自我修复涂层。