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The Impact of Global Environmental Changes on Infectious Disease Emergence with a Focus on Risks for Brazil.
ILAR Journal ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-19 , DOI: 10.1093/ilar/ilx034
Alessandra Nava 1 , Juliana Suieko Shimabukuro 1 , Aleksei A Chmura 1 , Sérgio Luiz Bessa Luz 1

Environmental changes have a huge impact on the emergence and reemergence of certain infectious diseases, mostly in countries with high biodiversity and serious unresolved environmental, social, and economic issues. This article summarizes the most important findings with special attention to Brazil and diseases of present public health importance in the country such as Chikungunya, dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, leptospirosis, leishmaniasis, and Chagas disease. An extensive literature review revealed a relationship between infectious diseases outbreaks and climate change events (El Niño, La Niña, heatwaves, droughts, floods, increased temperature, higher rainfall, and others) or environmental changes (habitat fragmentation, deforestation, urbanization, bushmeat consumption, and others). To avoid or control outbreaks, integrated surveillance systems and effective outreach programs are essential. Due to strong global and local influence on emergence of infectious diseases, a more holistic approach is necessary to mitigate or control them in low-income nations.



环境变化对某些传染病的发生和再发生具有巨大的影响,主要是在生物多样性高,环境,社会和经济问题尚未解决的国家。本文总结了最重要的发现,特别关注了巴西以及该国目前对公共卫生至关重要的疾病,例如基孔肯雅热,登革热,黄热病,寨卡病毒,汉坦病毒性肺综合征,钩端螺旋体病,利什曼病和恰加斯病。大量文献综述揭示了传染病暴发与气候变化事件(厄尔尼诺,拉尼娜,热浪,干旱,洪水,温度升高,降雨增加等)或环境变化(栖息地破碎,森林砍伐,城市化,食用森林猎物消费)之间的关系。 , 和别的)。为了避免或控制疫情爆发,综合监控系统和有效的推广计划至关重要。由于全球和地方对传染病的发生有很强的影响,在低收入国家中,有必要采取一种更全面的方法来减轻或控制传染病。