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Local circuitry in the IMHV of the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus).
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 1990-06-22 , DOI: 10.1098/rspb.1990.0049
P M Bradley 1 , B D Burns , P F Chinnery , A C Webb

The responses to local stimulation have been recorded from neurons in the intermediate part of the medial hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV) of the domestic chick, by using an in vitro slice preparation. When the slice is bathed in gassed Krebs' solution, a single stimulus evokes a short-lasting diphasic response. The first phase is negative and lasts some 3 ms, whereas the second, positive phase is often of lower amplitude and usually persists for about 15 ms. The first phase is little altered by perfusion with either Ca2(+)-free Krebs' solution or Krebs' solution containing a high concentration of Mg2+. In contrast, the second phase is abolished by these procedures. The post-synaptic phase is positive when it is recorded anywhere between 0.1-1.25 mm from the stimulated point; however, in the immediate vicinity (0.0-0.1 mm) of the stimulating electrodes, the post-synaptic response is strongly negative. A pair of stimuli has to be separated by at least 10 s to guarantee complete recovery of excitability of the post-synaptic response. The recovery curve for this response shows a refractory period of some 5 ms, a peak of excitability at an interval of about 20 ms, and then a sharp trough of relative inexcitability at about 200 ms. The post-synaptic response is considerably reduced in magnitude and duration by the addition of AP-5 to the perfusion fluid; the remaining post-synaptic response is completely abolished by kynurenic acid. The addition of bicuculline methiodide in concentrations of at least 1 x 10(-6) M increases both the magnitude and duration of the second, positive phase of the response to single stimuli. This extended positive response (which may last from 500-800 ms) is abolished by perfusion with bicuculline dissolved in Ca2(+)-free Krebs' solution. For the entire duration of the extended post-synaptic positive response produced by bicuculline, the irregular discharge of single neurons can be recorded. Like the post-synaptic positive response in Krebs' solution, the much larger response produced by bicuculline shows a very localized negativity beneath the stimulating electrodes and displays an almost identical time-course for the recovery of excitability following a single stimulus. The bicuculline induced positive response is also considerably reduced by the presence of AP-5; the addition of kynurenic acid abolishes the remaining post-synaptic response completely. A post-synaptic response, similar to that produced under bicuculline, can be produced by the addition of a maximally effective dose of d-tubocurarine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)



通过使用体外切片制剂,已经从家禽的内侧上纹状体腹侧(IMHV)中间部分的神经元记录了对局部刺激的反应。当切片在充气的克雷布斯溶液中沐浴时,单个刺激会引起短暂的两相反应。第一个相位为负,持续约3 ms,而第二个相位,正相通常幅值较小,通常持续约15 ms。通过用无Ca2 +的Krebs溶液或含有高浓度Mg2 +的Krebs溶液灌注,第一相几乎没有改变。相反,这些程序取消了第二阶段。当记录到距受刺激点0.1-1.25 mm之间的任何位置时,突触后阶段为正。但是,在附近(0.0-0。1毫米)的刺激电极,突触后反应强烈为负。一对刺激必须间隔至少10 s,以确保完全恢复突触后反应的兴奋性。该响应的恢复曲线显示约5 ms的不应期,约20 ms的间隔出现兴奋性峰值,然后约200 ms出现相对不兴奋性的急剧下降谷。通过向灌注液中添加AP-5,可显着降低突触后反应的强度和持续时间。其余的突触后反应被犬尿酸完全消除。加入浓度至少为1 x 10(-6)M的双小分子甲硫醚会增加对单个刺激的反应的第二个阳性阶段的幅度和持续时间。通过用溶解在无Ca2 +的Krebs溶液中的双小分子灌注消除了这种延长的阳性反应(可能持续500-800毫秒)。在双小分子产生的整个突触后阳性反应的整个持续时间内,可以记录单个神经元的不规则放电。像克雷布斯溶液中的突触后阳性反应一样,双小分子产生的大得多的反应显示出刺激电极下方的负电非常局部化,并且在单一刺激下恢复兴奋性的时间过程几乎相同。AP-5的存在还大大降低了双小分子诱导的阳性反应。尿酸的加入完全消除了其余的突触后反应。突触后反应,类似于双小分子下产生的反应,