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The changing geography of mortality in Norway, 1969-1989.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 1992-06-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00291959208552284
Asbjørn Aase

"Changes in the geographical mortality pattern for Norway between 1969 and 1989 are explored for total mortality, coronary heart disease, stomach cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, melanoma, infant mortality and suicide. The period has shown considerable flux. Coronary heart disease mortality used to be higher in urban than rural areas, but the situation has now reversed (for men) or equalized (for women). The excess infant mortality in the periphery has been eliminated. Suicide has increased faster in fishing and farming areas than in the cities. The changes are interpreted through some concepts and models: the epidemiological transition, geographical and social diffusion, regional restructuring, changes of the physical environment and geographical uniqueness." Data are from official sources.



“研究了1969年至1989年间挪威地理死亡率的变化,包括总死亡率,冠心病,胃癌,乳腺癌,肺癌,黑色素瘤,婴儿死亡率和自杀率。这一时期显示出相当大的波动。冠心病死亡率过去城市地区的农村人口死亡率高于农村地区,但是现在情况已经逆转了(男性)或平均水平(女性),消除了外围婴儿死亡率过高的现象。这些变化是通过一些概念和模型来解释的:流行病学转变,地理和社会扩散,区域结构调整,自然环境的变化和地理的独特性。” 数据来自官方来源。