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Urbanization and depopulation in the Alps.
Mountain Research and Development ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 1996-11-01
W Batzing , M Perlik , M Dekleva

Demographic developments in the European Alpine region are analyzed over the period 1870-1990. The region is defined as including parts of Germany, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland, and Slovenia. "Studies of growth, stagnation, decline, commune size, and altitude in almost 6,000 communes are presented on three colored maps.... It is apparent that two highly divergent processes are at work and, accordingly, statistical mean values reveal little of importance. Approximately one-half of Alpine Europe is undergoing general economic and demographic growth and has experienced significant increase in population since the end of the agricultural era. This development has taken place primarily in low-lying valleys and basins and in areas bordering the Alps that have good access to transport routes. Tourism is not as widespread as generally assumed and is usually characterized by a punctate pattern. Only in the western part of the Eastern Alps does tourism account for widespread population growth at higher altitudes; elsewhere the Alps have not been affected by modern development and the economy and population are declining, with some areas in danger of becoming completely abandoned. The results challenge the earlier concept of the Alps as a rural region, once populated by peasants, where tourism now plays a major role." (EXCERPT)



分析了欧洲高山地区1870-1990年期间的人口发展情况。该区域定义为包括德国,法国,意大利,列支敦士登,奥地利,瑞士和斯洛文尼亚的部分地区。“在三幅彩色地图上展示了近6,000个乡镇的增长,停滞,衰落,公社规模和高度的研究……。很明显,两个高度不同的过程正在起作用,因此,统计平均值几乎没有什么意义。 。自从农业时代结束以来,约有一半的欧洲高山地区正在经历总体的经济和人口增长,人口显着增加,这种发展主要发生在低洼的山谷和盆地以及与阿尔卑斯山接壤的地区交通便利。旅游业没有普遍假设的那样普遍,通常以点状模式为特征。只有在东阿尔卑斯山的西部,旅游才能说明高海拔地区人口的广泛增长;阿尔卑斯山其他地方并未受到现代发展的影响,经济和人口正在下降,有些地区有被完全抛弃的危险。结果挑战了阿尔卑斯山作为农村地区的早期概念,该地区曾经是农民居住的地区,现在旅游业在其中发挥了重要作用。”(EXCERPT)有些地区有被完全抛弃的危险。结果挑战了阿尔卑斯山作为农村地区的早期概念,该地区曾经是农民居住的地区,现在旅游业在其中发挥了主要作用。”(EXCERPT)有些地区有被完全抛弃的危险。结果挑战了阿尔卑斯山作为农村地区的早期概念,该地区曾经是农民居住的地区,现在旅游业在其中发挥了主要作用。”(EXCERPT)