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The fertility incentive of land tenure in Mexico.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 1993-12-01
H Soberon-ferrer , L A Whittington

Ejidos are communal holding groups of redistributed land expropriated (generally without compensation) from large private landowners during Mexico's post-1910 land reform. The model in this study of the "ejidal" system's influence on fertility differs from DeVany and Sanchez in providing more current data and including the following more detailed variables: the land area of ejidos and the number of ejidos, the need for children, male income, female income share, and social security coverage. The data pertains to states rather than municipalities. DeVany and Sanchez found that the ejidal system encouraged fertility, because having more children helped an ejido family retain land rights, increased its chances of gaining additional productive land, and gave it increased political power. Children also provided a means of intergenerational transfer of resources. The estimation results of this study revealed that the total proportion of land held as ejidos had a positive, significant effect on fertility. The ratio of ejidos to total number of farms was negative and significant. There was support for the hypothesis that the impact of ejidos land holdings and area was diminished when ejidos were dominant in the state. Fertility declined with the increase in unpaid workers per hectare of land. Elasticity functions were small: 0.075 on ejidal land, -0.222 on ejidal farms, and -0.045 on workers. A positive significant demographic effect on fertility was illiteracy. Infant mortality and female income share each had a negative, significant effect on fertility. Insignificant variables were male income, social security coverage, and the dummy for northern states. There have been changes in the Mexican ejidal system. These changes and the availability of farm labor are expected to reduce urban and rural fertility differentials.



埃吉多斯(Ejidos)是在1910年后的墨西哥土地改革期间从大型私人土地所有者手中没收(通常没有补偿)的重新分配土地的公共控股集团。本研究中的“ ejidal”系统对生育力的影响模型与DeVany和Sanchez的不同之处在于,它提供了更多当前数据,包括以下更详细的变量:ejidos的土地面积和ejidos的数量,对儿童的需求,男性收入,女性收入份额和社会保障范围。数据属于州而非市政当局。DeVany和Sanchez发现ejidal系统鼓励生育,因为生育更多的孩子帮助ejido家庭保留了土地权利,增加了获得更多生产性土地的机会,并赋予了其政治权力。儿童还提供了代际转移资源的手段。这项研究的估计结果表明,保留的土地总面积对土地的肥力有积极的显着影响。射精与农场总数之比为负且显着。支持这一假设的假设是,当ejidos在该州占主导地位时,ejidos土地所有权和面积的影响会减小。随着每公顷土地上无薪工人的增加,生育率下降。弹性函数很小:在ejidal土地上为0.075,在ejidal农场上为-0.222,在工人上为-0.045。对人口出生率的积极显着人口影响是文盲。婴儿死亡率和女性收入份额均对生育率产生负面的重大影响。微不足道的变量是男性收入,社会保障覆盖率,和北部国家的假人。墨西哥的ejidal系统发生了变化。这些变化和可利用的农业劳动力有望减少城乡之间的生育差异。