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Phylogenetic and morphotaxonomic revision of Ramichloridium and allied genera.
Studies in Mycology ( IF 14.1 ) Pub Date : 2007-01-01 , DOI: 10.3114/sim.2007.58.03
M Arzanlou 1 , J Z Groenewald , W Gams , U Braun , H-D Shin , P W Crous

The phylogeny of the genera Periconiella, Ramichloridium, Rhinocladiella and Veronaea was explored by means of partial sequences of the 28S (LSU) rRNA gene and the ITS region (ITS1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS2). Based on the LSU sequence data, ramichloridium-like species segregate into eight distinct clusters. These include the Capnodiales (Mycosphaerellaceae and Teratosphaeriaceae), the Chaetothyriales (Herpotrichiellaceae), the Pleosporales, and five ascomycete clades with uncertain affinities. The type species of Ramichloridium, R. apiculatum, together with R. musae, R. biverticillatum, R. cerophilum, R. verrucosum, R. pini, and three new species isolated from Strelitzia, Musa and forest soil, respectively, reside in the Capnodiales clade. The human-pathogenic species R. mackenziei and R. basitonum, together with R. fasciculatum and R. anceps, cluster with Rhinocladiella (type species: Rh. atrovirens, Herpotrichiellaceae, Chaetothyriales), and are allocated to this genus. Veronaea botryosa, the type species of the genus Veronaea, also resides in the Chaetothyriales clade, whereas Veronaea simplex clusters as a sister taxon to the Venturiaceae (Pleosporales), and is placed in a new genus, Veronaeopsis. Ramichloridium obovoideum clusters with Carpoligna pleurothecii (anamorph: Pleurothecium sp., Chaetosphaeriales), and a new combination is proposed in Pleurothecium. Other ramichloridium-like clades include R. subulatum and R. epichloës (incertae sedis, Sordariomycetes), for which a new genus, Radulidium is erected. Ramichloridium schulzeri and its varieties are placed in a new genus, Myrmecridium (incertae sedis, Sordariomycetes). The genus Pseudovirgaria (incertae sedis) is introduced to accommodate ramichloridium-like isolates occurring on various species of rust fungi. A veronaea-like isolate from Bertia moriformis with phylogenetic affinity to the Annulatascaceae (Sordariomycetidae) is placed in a new genus, Rhodoveronaea. Besides Ramichloridium, Periconiella is also polyphyletic. Thysanorea is introduced to accommodate Periconiella papuana (Herpotrichiellaceae), which is unrelated to the type species, P. velutina (Mycosphaerellaceae).


Ramichloridium 和相关属的系统发育和形态分类学修订。

通过 28S (LSU) rRNA 基因和 ITS 区域(ITS1、5.8S rDNA 和 ITS2)的部分序列探索了 Periconiella、Ramichloridium、Rhinocladiella 和 Veronaea 属的系统发育。根据 LSU 序列数据,类蕈草物种分为八个不同的簇。这些包括 Capnodiales(Mycosphaerellaceae 和 Teratosphaeriaceae)、Chaetothyriales(Herpotrichiellaceae)、Pleosporales 和五个具有不确定亲和力的子囊菌进化枝。Ramichloridium、R. apiculatum 与 R. musae、R. biverticillatum、R. cerophilum、R. verrucosum、R. pini 以及分别从鹤望兰、Musa 和森林土壤中分离的三个新种一起居住在Capnodiales 进化枝。人类致病物种 R. mackenziei 和 R. basitonum,连同 R. fasciculatum 和 R. anceps,与 Rhinocladiella(类型种:Rh. atrovirens、Herpotrichiellaceae、Chaetothyriales)聚类,并分配到该属。Veronaea botryosa 是 Veronaea 属的模式种,也属于 Chaetothyriales 进化枝,而 Veronaea simplex 作为文丘里科 (Pleosporales) 的姊妹分类群聚在一起,并被置于一个新属 Veronaeopsis 中。Ramichloridium obovoideum 与 Carpoligna pleurothecii(无形体:Pleurothecium sp.,Chaetosphaeriales)和一种新的组合在 Pleurothecium 中提出。其他类蕈草进化枝包括 R. subulatum 和 R.epichloës(incertae sedis,Sordariomycetes),为此建立了一个新属,Radulidium。Ramichloridium schulzeri 及其变种被归入一个新属 Myrmecridium (incertae sedis, Sordariomycetes)。引入 Pseudovirgaria (incertae sedis) 属以适应发生在各种锈菌上的类蕈菌分离物。来自 Bertia moriformis 的 veronaea 样分离物与 Annulatascaceae(Sordariomycetidae)具有亲缘关系,被放置在一个新属 Rhodoveronaea 中。除了苎麻,Periconiella 也是多系的。引入 Thysanorea 是为了容纳 Periconiella papuana (Herpotrichiellaceae),后者与模式种 P. velutina (Mycosphaerellaceae) 无关。