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Chemistry, Mechanics and the Making of Anatomical Knowledge: Boerhaave vs. Ruysch on the Nature of the Glands
Ambix ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2006-11-01 , DOI: 10.1179/174582306x148074
Rina Knoeff 1

Abstract A controversy between the well-known medical teacher Herman Boerhaave and the anatomist Frederik Ruysch on the nature of the glands shows how chemical knowledge had a decisive influence on the way in which Boerhaave perceived the anatomy and working of the glands. While Ruysch maintained that the glands are no more than the extremities of arteries and act as mechanical instruments separating the fluids into smaller particles, Boerhaave examined the glands as membranous follicles in which chemical processes prepare the fluids for their different uses in the body. Boerhaave, in other words, turned to the chemical properties of particles rather than the vessels that contain them. Boerhaave's viewpoint was new and resulted from his belief in chemistry as the discipline par excellence for the explanation of the most basic processes in the body. More than anything else, the controversy shows how chemistry was not contained within fixed disciplinary boundaries, but had a decisive influence on Boerhaave's construction of anatomical knowledge.


化学、力学和解剖学知识的形成:Boerhaave 与 Ruysch 关于腺体的性质

摘要 著名医学教师赫尔曼·布尔哈夫 (Herman Boerhaave) 和解剖学家弗雷德里克·鲁伊施 (Frederik Ruysch) 之间关于腺体性质的争论表明,化学知识如何对布尔哈夫感知腺体的解剖结构和工作方式产生决定性影响。虽然 Ruysch 坚持认为腺体只不过是动脉的末端,并充当将流体分离成更小的颗粒的机械仪器,但 Boerhaave 将腺体检查为膜状滤泡,其中化学过程为流体在体内的不同用途做好准备。换句话说,布尔哈夫转向了粒子的化学特性,而不是包含它们的容器。布尔哈夫' 他的观点是新的,源于他相信化学是解释人体最基本过程的卓越学科。最重要的是,这场争论表明化学如何不包含在固定的学科界限内,而是对布尔哈夫的解剖学知识构建产生了决定性的影响。