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Untying the Gordian knot of creation: metaphors for the Human Genome Project in Greek newspapers
New Genetics and Society ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2005-12-01 , DOI: 10.1080/14636770500349932
Eleni Gogorosi 1

Abstract This article studies the metaphorical expressions used by newspapers to present the near completion of the Human Genome Project (HGP) to the Greek public in the year 2000. The analysis, based on cognitive metaphor theory, deals with the most frequent or captivating metaphors used to refer to the human genome, which give rise to both conventional and novel expressions. The majority of creative metaphorical expressions participate in the discourse of hope and promise propagated by the Greek media in an attempt to present the HGP and its outcome in a favorable light. Instances of the competing discourse of fear and danger are much rarer but can also be found in creative metaphorical expressions. Metaphors pertaining to the Greek culture or to ancient Greek mythology tend to carry a special rhetorical force. However, it will be shown that the Greek press strategically used most of the metaphors that circulated globally at the time, not only culture specific ones.



摘要 本文研究了报纸在 2000 年向希腊公众介绍人类基因组计划 (HGP) 即将完成时所使用的隐喻表达方式。该分析基于认知隐喻理论,分析了最常用或最吸引人的隐喻。指的是人类基因组,它产生了传统和新的表达方式。大多数创造性的隐喻表达参与了希腊媒体传播的希望和承诺的话语,试图以有利的方式呈现 HGP 及其结果。恐惧和危险的竞争话语的实例要少得多,但也可以在创造性的隐喻表达中找到。与希腊文化或古希腊神话有关的隐喻往往带有特殊的修辞力量。然而,