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A Longitudinal Study of Cognitive Abilities in Williams Syndrome
Developmental Neuropsychology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2011-01-31 , DOI: 10.1080/87565641.2010.549872
Melanie Porter 1 , Helen Dodd

This longitudinal study assessed cognition in Williams syndrome (WS) over a 5 year period using the same test battery over the two occasions of testing. The aim was to explore whether absolute levels of ability and relative cognitive strengths and weaknesses remain consistent over time. 27 participants with WS were assessed using the Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Ability – Revised (WJ-R COG, Woodcock & Johnson, 1989, 1990). Results suggested some developmental progress over time, but at a slower rate than typically developing peers. Cognitive strengths and weaknesses were consistent, at least on those abilities assessed using the WJ-R COG.



这项纵向研究在 5 年内使用相同的测试组在两次测试中评估了威廉姆斯综合征 (WS) 的认知。目的是探索能力的绝对水平和相对认知优势和劣势是否随着时间的推移保持一致。使用 Woodcock Johnson 认知能力测试 - 修订版(WJ-R COG,Woodcock & Johnson,1989,1990)对 27 名患有 WS 的参与者进行了评估。结果表明,随着时间的推移会取得一些发展进步,但速度比通常发展中的同龄人慢。认知优势和劣势是一致的,至少在使用 WJ-R COG 评估的那些能力上是一致的。