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Reorienting When Cues Conflict
Psychological Science ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2008-12-01 , DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2008.02239.x
Kristin R Ratliff 1 , Nora S Newcombe

Proponents of a geometric module claim that human adults accomplish spatial reorientation in a fundamentally different way than young children and non-human animals do. However, reporting two experiments that used a conflict paradigm, this article shows striking similarities between human adults and young children, as well as nonhuman animals. Specifically, Experiment 1 demonstrates that adults favor geometric information in a small room and rely on features in a larger room, whereas Experiment 2 demonstrates that experience in a larger room produces dominance of features over geometric cues in a small room—the first human case of reliance on features that contradict geometric information. Thus, use of features during reorientation depends on the size of the environment and learning history. These results clearly undermine the modularity claim and the view that feature use during reorientation is purely associative, and we discuss the findings within an adaptive-combination view, according to which a weighting system determines use of feature or geometric cues during reorientation.



几何模块的支持者声称,人类成年人以与幼儿和非人类动物完全不同的方式完成空间重新定向。然而,本文报告了两个使用冲突范式的实验,显示了人类成人和幼儿以及非人类动物之间的惊人相似之处。具体来说,实验 1 表明成年人喜欢小房间里的几何信息并依赖大房间中的特征,而实验 2 表明大房间中的经验比小房间中的几何线索产生了特征的支配地位——这是第一个人类案例依赖与几何信息相矛盾的特征。因此,重新定位期间特征的使用取决于环境的大小和学习历史。