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Abnormal fMRI connectivity in children with dyslexia during a phoneme task: Before but not after treatment
Journal of Neurolinguistics ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2008-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2007.07.002
Todd L Richards 1 , Virginia W Berninger

Brains of 18 children with dyslexia (5 girls, 13 boys) and 21 and without dyslexia (8 girls, 13 boys) were scanned before and after the children with dyslexia received instructional treatment. Both at Time 1 and Time 2 all children performed an fMRI phoneme mapping task during brain scanning-deciding whether letter(s) in pair of pronounceable nonwords could stand for the same sound. Results were analyzed with a seed point correlational method for functional connectivity from four seed points based on prior studies: inferior frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, the occipital region, and cerebellum. At Time 1 before treatment, a significant difference in fMRI connectivity occurred between children with dyslexia and normal reading controls in the left inferior frontal gyrus and its correlations with right and left middle frontal gyrus, right and left supplemental motor area, left precentral gyrus, and right superior frontal gyrus. There were no significant differences for the seed regions placed in the middle frontal gyrus, occipital gyrus or cerebellum. Children with dyslexia had greater functional connectivity from the left inferior frontal gyrus seed point to the right inferior frontal gyrus than did the children without dyslexia. Compared to adults with and without dyslexia who differed in bilateral connectivity from left inferior frontal gyrus on the same task, the children with and without dyslexia differed in left side connectivity from left inferior frontal gyrus. At Time 2 after treatment, the children with dyslexia, who had participated in a three-week instructional program that provided explicit instruction in linguistic awareness, alphabetic principle (taught in a way to maximize temporal contiguity of grapheme-phoneme associations), decoding and spelling, and a writers' workshop, did not differ from the children without dyslexia in any of the clusters in the group difference map identifying differences between dyslexics and good readers, showing that functional connectivity (and not just regions of interest) may normalize following instructional treatment.


音素任务中阅读障碍儿童的 fMRI 连接异常:治疗前而非治疗后

在阅读障碍儿童接受指导治疗前后扫描了18名阅读障碍儿童(5名女孩,13名男孩)和21名无阅读障碍儿童(8名女孩,13名男孩)的大脑。在时间 1 和时间 2,所有儿童都在大脑扫描期间执行 fMRI 音素映射任务 - 决定一对可发音的非单词中的字母是否可以代表相同的声音。使用基于先前研究的四个种子点的功能连接的种子点相关方法分析结果:额下回、额中回、枕区和小脑。在治疗前的时间 1 时,阅读障碍儿童与正常阅读对照儿童左侧额下回的 fMRI 连通性存在显着差异,以及与左右额中回的相关性,左右辅助运动区、左侧中央前回和右侧额上回。位于额中回、枕回或小脑的种子区域没有显着差异。与没有阅读障碍的儿童相比,有阅读障碍的儿童从左侧额下回种子点到右侧额下回的功能连接性更强。与在同一任务中与左侧额下回的双侧连通性不同的有或没有阅读障碍的成年人相比,有和没有阅读障碍的儿童与左侧额下回的左侧连通性不同。在治疗后的时间 2,参加了为期三周的教学计划的阅读障碍儿童提供了语言意识方面的明确指导,