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Molecular diversity of fungal communities in agricultural soils from Lower Austria.
Fungal Diversity ( IF 24.5 ) Pub Date : 2010-08-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s13225-010-0053-1
Sylvia Klaubauf 1 , Erich Inselsbacher , Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern , Wolfgang Wanek , Richard Gottsberger , Joseph Strauss , Markus Gorfer

A culture-independent survey of fungal diversity in four arable soils and one grassland in Lower Austria was conducted by RFLP and sequence analysis of clone libraries of the partial ITS/LSU-region. All soils were dominated by the ascomycetous orders Sordariales, Hypocreales and Helotiales, taxa that are known from traditional cultivation approaches to occur in agricultural soils. The most abundant genus in the investigated soils was Tetracladium, a hyphomycete which has been described as occurring predominantly in aquatic habitats, but was also found in agricultural soils. Additionally, soil clone group I (SCGI), a subphylum at the base of the Ascomycota with so far no cultivated members, was identified at high frequency in the grassland soil but was below detection limit in the four arable fields. In addition to this striking difference, general fungal community parameters like richness, diversity and evenness were similar between cropland and grassland soils. The presented data provide a fungal community inventory of agricultural soils and reveal the most prominent species.



通过 RFLP 和部分 ITS/LSU 区域克隆文库的序列分析,对下奥地利州的 4 个耕地和 1 个草地进行了与培养无关的真菌多样性调查。所有土壤均以子囊菌目 Sordariales、Hypocreales 和 Helotiales 为主,这些类群通过传统栽培方法已知出现在农业土壤中。所调查的土壤中最丰富的属是Tetracladium ,这是一种丝孢菌,被描述为主要出现在水生生境中,但也在农业土壤中发现。此外,土壤无性系 I (SCGI) 是子囊菌门下的一个亚门,迄今为止还没有栽培成员,在草地土壤中被发现频率很高,但在四个耕地中低于检测限。除了这种显着差异之外,农田和草地土壤的一般真菌群落参数(如丰富度、多样性和均匀度)相似。所提供的数据提供了农业土壤的真菌群落清单,并揭示了最突出的物种。