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IL-1β a potential factor for discriminating between thyroid carcinoma and atrophic thyroiditis.
European Cytokine Network ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2012-09-22 , DOI: 10.1684/ecn.2012.0312
Maha Kammoun-Krichen 1 , Noura Bougacha-Elleuch , Mouna Mnif , Fadia Bougacha , Ilhem Charffedine , Sandra Rebuffat , Ahmed Rebai , Emilie Glasson , Mohamed Abid , Fatma Ayadi , Sylvie Péraldi-Roux , Hammadi Ayadi

Interactions between cytokines and others soluble factors (hormones, antibodies...) can play an important role in the development of thyroid pathogenesis. The purpose of the present study was to examine the possible correlation between serum cytokine concentrations, thyroid hormones (FT4 and TSH) and auto-antibodies (Tg and TPO), and their usefulness in discriminating between different thyroid conditions. In this study, we investigated serum from 115 patients affected with a variety of thyroid conditions (44 Graves' disease, 17 Hashimoto's thyroiditis, 11 atrophic thyroiditis, 28 thyroid nodular goitre and 15 papillary thyroid cancer), and 30 controls. Levels of 17 cytokines in serum samples were measured simultaneously using a multiplexed human cytokine assay. Thyroid hormones and auto-antibodies were measured using ELISA. Our study showed that IL-1β serum concentrations allow the discrimination between atrophic thyroiditis and papillary thyroid cancer groups (p = 0.027).


