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The Santa Monica prison and illegal cocaine: a mutual relationship
Crime, Law and Social Change ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2015-09-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10611-015-9577-3
Stephanie Campos 1

This paper will demonstrate how women’s labor in the transnational cocaine commodity chain (TCCC) links together the Santa Monica women’s prison in Lima, Peru and the illicit cocaine market. Peru is one the fastest-growing economies in Latin America largely due to a neoliberal free market approach to economic development. It has encouraged foreign investment and also has a growing middle class. But a significant portion of the country’s population has not benefitted. This has resulted in some women turning to drug smuggling or selling in order to generate an income. Due to war on drug strategies, many of them are caught and sentenced on drug trafficking charges. I argue that the prison and larger criminal justice apparatus benefit financially from the growing number of drug arrests due to the systemic blackmail of incarcerated women. The cocaine sector benefits from the internment of its ex-workers. It is able to recruit new low-level employees and maintain the protection of middle managers. It is in this way that this prison and the illegal drug market are enmeshed together through the labor of subordinate female smugglers and retailers. This study is based on ethnographic dissertation fieldwork conducted in 2008–2009 in the Santa Monica prison.



本文将展示跨国可卡因商品链 (TCCC) 中的女性劳动如何将秘鲁利马的圣莫尼卡女子监狱与非法可卡因市场联系起来。秘鲁是拉丁美洲增长最快的经济体之一,这主要归功于新自由主义的自由市场经济发展方式。它鼓励了外国投资,而且中产阶级也在不断壮大。但该国很大一部分人口并未受益。这导致一些妇女转向毒品走私或贩卖以赚取收入。由于对毒品战略的战争,他们中的许多人因贩毒罪名被捕并被判刑。我认为,监狱和更大的刑事司法机构从因对被监禁妇女的系统性勒索而导致的毒品逮捕人数不断增加中受益。可卡因行业受益于其前工人的拘禁。它能够招聘新的低级员工并保持对中层管理人员的保护。正是这样,通过下属女走私贩子和贩毒贩子的劳动,这座监狱和非法毒品市场交织在一起。本研究基于 2008-2009 年在圣莫尼卡监狱进行的人种学论文实地考察。