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Fatty acid signatures connect thiamine deficiency with the diet of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) feeding in the Baltic Sea
Marine Biology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00227-018-3418-8
Marja Keinänen 1 , Reijo Käkelä 2 , Tiina Ritvanen 3 , Jukka Pönni 1 , Hannu Harjunpää 4 , Timo Myllylä 5 , Pekka J Vuorinen 1

Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency in salmonids related to a lipid-rich fish diet causes offspring mortality in the yolk-sac fry phase. A low free thiamine (THIAM) concentration in eggs is an indication of this syndrome. Thiamine deficiency of salmon (Salmo salar) feeding in the Baltic Sea, called M74, was connected to the principal prey fish and feeding area using fatty acid (FA) signature analysis. The FAs of feeding salmon from two areas of the Baltic Sea, the Baltic Proper (57°10′ 19°30′) and the Bothnian Sea (61°30′ 20°00′) in 2004, reflected the principal prey species in these areas, sprat (Sprattus sprattus) and herring (Clupea harengus), respectively. Arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6) and 18:1n-7 indicated dietary herring, 18:1n-9 dietary sprat and 14:0 feeding in the Baltic Proper. The muscle FA profile of non-M74 female spawners of the River Simojoki in a year (1998) with a moderate M74 incidence and salmon of a non-M74 year (2004) reflected herring FAs, whereas the FAs in the M74 year and specifically in M74 females displayed characteristics of sprat. In the M74 year, the THIAM concentration had the strongest positive correlation with the proportion of muscle ARA, and the strongest negative correlations with 14:0 and the ratios 18:1n-9/ARA and 14:0/ARA. Thus, ARA along with 14:0 and these ratios were the most sensitive FA indicators of the dietary species and origin of the M74 syndrome. Despite the pre-spawning fasting, tissue FA signatures were consequently able to connect dietary sprat in the Baltic Proper with thiamine deficiency in Baltic salmon.


脂肪酸特征将硫胺素缺乏与波罗的海的大西洋鲑鱼(Salmo salar)的饮食联系起来

与富含脂质的鱼类饮食相关的鲑鱼中硫胺素(维生素 B1)缺乏会导致卵黄囊鱼苗阶段的后代死亡。鸡蛋中的低游离硫胺素 (THIAM) 浓度表明这种综合征。在波罗的海觅食的鲑鱼 (Salmo salar) 硫胺素缺乏症,称为 M74,使用脂肪酸 (FA) 特征分析与主要猎物和觅食区相关联。2004 年来自波罗的海两个区域,即波罗的海 (57°10' 19°30') 和波的尼亚海 (61°30' 20°00') 的鲑鱼喂养 FA,反映了这些地区的主要猎物种类。分别是鲱鱼 (Sprattus sprattus) 和鲱鱼 (Clupea harengus)。花生四烯酸 (ARA, 20:4n-6) 和 18:1n-7 表示日粮鲱鱼,18:1n-9 日粮鲱鱼和 14:0 日粮在波罗的海地区。一年(1998 年)Simojoki 河非 M74 雌性产卵者的肌肉 FA 分布,其中 M74 发病率中等,鲑鱼在非 M74 年(2004 年)反映了鲱鱼 FA,而 M74 年中的 FA,特别是在M74 雌性表现出鲱鱼的特征。M74年THIAM浓度与肌肉ARA比例正相关最强,与14:0负相关最强,比例为18:1n-9/ARA和14:0/ARA。因此,ARA 以及 14:0 和这些比率是膳食物种和 M74 综合征起源的最敏感的 FA 指标。尽管产卵前禁食,但组织 FA 特征因此能够将波罗的海地区的饮食鲱鱼与波罗的海鲑鱼的硫胺素缺乏联系起来。