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Dynamics of carbon and CO2 removals by Brazilian forest plantations during 1990-2016.
Carbon Balance and Management ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-22 , DOI: 10.1186/s13021-018-0106-4
Carlos Roberto Sanquetta 1 , Ana Paula Dalla Corte 1 , Allan Libanio Pelissari 1 , Margarida Tomé 2 , Greyce Charllyne Benedet Maas 1 , Mateus Niroh Inoue Sanquetta 1

We analyzed the dynamics of carbon (C) stocks and CO2 removals by Brazilian forest plantations over the period 1990–2016. Data on the extent of forests compiled from various sources were used in the calculations. Productivities were simulated using species-specific growth and yield simulators for the main trees species planted in the country. Biomass expansion factors, root-to-shoot ratios, wood densities, and carbon fractions compiled from literature were applied. C stocks in necromass (deadwood and litter) and harvested wood products (HWP) were also included in the calculations. Plantation forests stocked 231 Mt C in 1990 increasing to 612 Mt C in 2016 due to an increase in plantation area and higher productivity of the stands during the 26-year period. Eucalyptus contributed 58% of the C stock in 1990 and 71% in 2016 due to a remarkable increase in plantation area and productivity. Pinus reduced its proportion of the carbon storage due to its low growth in area, while the other species shared less than 6% of the C stocks during the period of study. Aboveground biomass, belowground biomass and necromass shared 71, 12, and 5% of the total C stocked in plantations in 2016, respectively. HWP stocked 76 Mt C in the period, which represents 12% of the total C stocked. Carbon dioxide removals by Brazilian forest plantations during the 26-year period totaled 1669 Gt CO2-e. The carbon dioxide removed by Brazilian forest plantations over the 26 years represent almost the totality of the country´s emissions from the waste sector within the same period, or from the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector in 2016. We concluded that forest plantations play an important role in mitigating GHG (greenhouse gases) emissions in Brazil. This study is helpful to improve national reporting on plantation forests and their GHG sequestration potential, and to achieve Brazil’s Nationally Determined Contribution and the Paris Agreement.



我们分析了1990-2016年间巴西人工林的碳(C)存量和二氧化碳清除量的动态。在计算中使用了从各种来源收集的关于森林范围的数据。使用该物种特定的生长和产量模拟器对该国种植的主要树种进行了生产率模拟。应用了从文献中汇编的生物量膨胀因子,根与茎比,木材密度和碳含量。死灵(死木和枯枝落叶)和收获的木材产品(HWP)中的碳储量也包括在计算中。由于人工林面积的增加和林分林在26年期间的更高生产力,1990年的人工林库存为231 Mt C,到2016年增加至612 MtC。由于种植面积和生产率的显着提高,桉树在1990年贡献了58%的碳储量,在2016年贡献了71%。在研究期间,松属植物由于其面积的低增长而减少了其碳储存的比例,而其他物种在研究期间共享的碳储量不到6%。2016年地上生物量,地下生物量和坏死生物分别占人工林碳储量的71%,12%和5%。在此期间,HWP储存了76 Mt C,占总储存C的12%。在26年的时间里,巴西人工林清除的二氧化碳总计1669 Gt CO2-e。在过去的26年中,巴西人工林清除的二氧化碳几乎占该国同期垃圾部门或农业排放的总和,2016年林业和其他土地利用部门。我们得出的结论是,人工林在缓解巴西的温室气体(温室气体)排放方面发挥着重要作用。这项研究有助于改善国家对人工林及其温室气体封存潜力的报告,并有助于实现巴西的国家自主贡献和《巴黎协定》。