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Towards systemic and contextual priority setting for implementing the 2030 Agenda.
Sustainability Science ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s11625-017-0470-0
Nina Weitz 1 , Henrik Carlsen 1 , Måns Nilsson 1, 2 , Kristian Skånberg 1

How the sustainable development goals (SDGs) interact with each other has emerged as a key question in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, as it has potentially strong implications for prioritization of actions and their effectiveness. So far, analysis of interactions has been very basic, typically starting from one SDG, counting the number of interactions, and discussing synergies and trade-offs from the perspective of that issue area. This paper pushes the frontier of how interactions amongst SDG targets can be understood and taken into account in policy and planning. It presents an approach to assessing systemic and contextual interactions of SDG targets, using a typology for scoring interactions in a cross-impact matrix and using network analysis techniques to explore the data. By considering how a target interacts with another target and how that target in turn interacts with other targets, results provide a more robust basis for priority setting of SDG efforts. The analysis identifies which targets have the most and least positive influence on the network and thus guides, where efforts may be directed (and not); where strong positive and negative links sit, raising warning flags to areas requiring extra attention; and how targets that reinforce each others’ progress cluster, suggesting where important cross-sectoral collaboration between actors is merited. How interactions play out is context specific and the approach is tested on the case of Sweden to illustrate how priority setting, with the objective to enhance progress across all 17 SDGs, might change if systemic impacts are taken into consideration.


为落实《 2030年议程》确定系统和背景重点。

可持续发展目标(SDG)如何相互影响已成为执行《 2030年议程》的关键问题,因为这对优先行动及其有效性具有潜在的强烈影响。到目前为止,对交互的分析一直是非常基础的,通常从一个SDG开始,计算交互的数量,并从该问题领域的角度讨论协同作用和权衡。本文提出了在政策和规划中如何理解和考虑可持续发展目标之间相互作用的前沿。它提供了一种评估SDG目标的系统和上下文交互的方法,该方法使用一种类型来对交叉影响矩阵中的交互进行评分,并使用网络分析技术来探索数据。通过考虑一个目标如何与另一个目标交互以及该目标又如何与其他目标交互,结果为SDG工作的优先级设置提供了更可靠的基础。分析确定了哪些目标对网络的影响最大和最小,因此可以指导(不可以)将精力指向何处;在牢固的正面和负面联系所在的地方,给需要特别注意的区域发出警告信号;以及如何加强彼此的进步目标,建议在行为者之间重要的跨部门合作中值得考虑。互动如何发挥作用是针对特定环境的,并且以瑞典为例对这种方法进行了测试,以说明如果考虑系统性影响,为了提高所有17个可持续发展目标的进展而确定优先级的方式可能会发生变化。