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Gaps in the capacity of modern forage crops to adapt to the changing climate in northern Europe.
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s11027-016-9729-5
Mäkinen Hanna 1, 2 , Kaseva Janne 3 , Virkajärvi Perttu 4 , Kahiluoto Helena 1

The within-species diversity in response to weather and the gaps in the response diversity in the modern set of forage crop cultivars were determined using an approach that assessed the adaptive capacity under global climate change. The annual dry matter (DM) yields were recorded in multi-location MTT (Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus) Agrifood Research Official Variety Trials in Finland for modern forage crop cultivars from 2000 to 2012, as a response to agroclimatic variables critical to yield based on the year-round weather data. The effect and interaction of cultivars and agroclimatic variables were analysed using mixed model. The relatively low adaptive capacity of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) indicates that diversification of the breeding material is warranted, particularly for resistance to high temperatures during primary growth and to high temperature sum 7 days after the first cut. All red clover cultivars (Trifolium pratense L.) suffered from both low and high accumulation of warm winter temperatures. Except for the red clover cultivars, cold stress during winter and lack of warm winter temperatures consistently reduced the yields of all species and cultivars. All tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) cultivars suffered from low precipitation during the fall hardening period. Although the set of festulolium (Festulolium pabulare) cultivars was also sensitive to low precipitation during the fall, festulolium was a good example of enhanced capacity to adapt to climate change with high response diversity because the cultivar germplasm base was diversified. Foreign origin in a cultivar pool was apparently not sufficient or necessary to ensure added value for a diversity of responses to climate change. Similar analyses to those used in this study, applied as practical tools for breeders, farmers and public actors, are important to secure the adaptive capacity of crops worldwide under global climate change.



通过评估全球气候变化下的适应能力的方法,确定了对天气的种内多样性和现代牧草作物品种在响应多样性方面的差距。在多地点MTT(Maaja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus)农业饲料研究官方品种试验中,2000年至2012年间在芬兰的年度干物质(DM)产量记录为对基于产量的关键农业气候变量的响应。全年的天气数据。使用混合模型分析了品种和农业气候变量的作用和相互作用。苔藓(Phleum pratense L.)和草甸羊茅(Festuca pratensis)的适应能力相对较低哈德斯(Huds。)指出,要保证育种材料的多样化,特别是对于初生期间的高温和初次切割后7天的高温总和具有抵抗力。所有红三叶草品种(Trifolium pratense L.)都遭受冬季温暖温度的高低积累。除红三叶草品种外,冬季的低温胁迫和冬季缺乏温暖的温度持续降低了所有品种和品种的产量。在秋季硬化期间,所有高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb。)品种均出现低降水。虽然设置了Festulolium(Festulolium pabulare)品种对秋季的低降水量也很敏感,因为栽培品种的种质基础多样化,因此开富勒烯是提高适应气候变化能力和高响应多样性的一个很好的例子。品种库中的外来来源显然不足以或没有必要确保为应对气候变化的多样性增值。与本研究类似的分析,被用作育种者,农民和公共行为者的实用工具,对于确保全球气候变化下全球农作物的适应能力至关重要。