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Historical ecology of a biological invasion: the interplay of eutrophication and pollution determines time lags in establishment and detection.
Biological Invasions ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10530-017-1634-7
Paolo G Albano 1 , Ivo Gallmetzer 1 , Alexandra Haselmair 1 , Adam Tomašových 2 , Michael Stachowitsch 3 , Martin Zuschin 1

Human disturbance modifies selection regimes, depressing native species fitness and enabling the establishment of non-indigenous species with suitable traits. A major impediment to test the effect of disturbance on invasion success is the lack of long-term data on the history of invasions. Here, we overcome this problem and reconstruct the effect of disturbance on the invasion of the bivalve Anadara transversa from sediment cores in the Adriatic Sea. We show that (1) the onset of major eutrophication in the 1970s shifted communities towards species tolerating hypoxia, and (2) A. transversa was introduced in the 1970s but failed to reach reproductive size until the late 1990s because of metal contamination, resulting in an establishment and detection lag of ~25 years. Subfossil assemblages enabled us to (1) disentangle the distinct stages of invasion, (2) quantify time-lags and (3) finely reconstruct the interaction between environmental factors and the invasion process, showing that while disturbance does promote invasions, a synergism of multiple disturbances can shift selection regimes beyond tolerance limits and induce significant time lags in establishment. The quantification of these time lags enabled us to reject the hypothesis that aquaculture was an initial vector of introduction, making shipping the most probable source.



人类干扰改变了选择机制,降低了本地物种的适应性,并使得具有合适性状的非本地物种得以建立。测试干扰对入侵成功的影响的一个主要障碍是缺乏入侵历史的长期数据。在这里,我们克服了这个问题,并重建了亚得里亚海沉积物干扰对双壳类 Anadara transversa 入侵的影响。我们表明,(1) 20 世纪 70 年代发生的严重富营养化使群落转向耐缺氧的物种,(2) A. transversa 于 1970 年代引入,但由于金属污染,直到 90 年代末才达到繁殖规模,导致建立和检测滞后约 25 年。亚化石组合使我们能够(1)理清入侵的不同阶段,(2)量化时间滞后,(3)精细地重建环境因素与入侵过程之间的相互作用,表明虽然干扰确实促进了入侵,但多种因素的协同作用干扰可能会使选择机制超出容忍限度,并导致建立过程中出现显着的时间滞后。这些时间滞后的量化使我们能够拒绝这样的假设:水产养殖是最初的引入媒介,使航运成为最可能的来源。