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Electrostatic Correlations in Polyelectrolyte Solutions.
Polymer science. Series A, Chemistry, physics Pub Date : 2016-11-15 , DOI: 10.1134/s0965545x16060146
M Muthukumar 1

The major attribute of polyelectrolyte solutions is that all chains are strongly correlated both electrostatically and topologically. Even in very dilute solutions such that the chains are not interpenetrating, the chains are still strongly correlated. These correlations are manifest in the measured scattering intensity when such solutions are subjected to light, X-ray, and neutron radiation. The behavior of scattering intensity from polyelectrolyte solutions is qualitatively different from that of solutions of uncharged polymers. Using the technique introduced by Sir Sam Edwards, and extending the earlier work by the author on the thermodynamics of polyelectrolyte solutions, extrapolation formulas are derived for the scattering intensity from polyelectrolyte solutions. The emergence of the polyelectrolyte peak and its concentration dependence are derived. The derived theory shows that there are five regimes. Published experimental data from many laboratories are also collected into a master figure and a comparison between the present theory and experiments is presented.



聚电解质溶液的主要属性是所有链在静电和拓扑上都强相关。即使在非常稀的溶液中,使得链不相互渗透,链仍然具有很强的相关性。当此类溶液受到光、X 射线和中子辐射时,这些相关性在测量的散射强度中很明显。聚电解质溶液的散射强度行为与不带电聚合物溶液的散射强度行为有本质上的不同。使用 Sam Edwards 爵士介绍的技术,并扩展作者早期关于聚电解质溶液热力学的工作,推导了聚电解质溶液散射强度的外推公式。导出了聚电解质峰的出现及其浓度依赖性。推导出来的理论表明有五种制度。许多实验室已发表的实验数据也被收集到一个主图中,并对当前理论和实验进行了比较。