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Mathematical Basis of Predicting Dominant Function in Protein Sequences by a Generic HMM–ANN Algorithm
Acta Biotheoretica ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10441-018-9327-x
Siddhartha Kundu 1, 2

The accurate annotation of an unknown protein sequence depends on extant data of template sequences. This could be empirical or sets of reference sequences, and provides an exhaustive pool of probable functions. Individual methods of predicting dominant function possess shortcomings such as varying degrees of inter-sequence redundancy, arbitrary domain inclusion thresholds, heterogeneous parameterization protocols, and ill-conditioned input channels. Here, I present a rigorous theoretical derivation of various steps of a generic algorithm that integrates and utilizes several statistical methods to predict the dominant function in unknown protein sequences. The accompanying mathematical proofs, interval definitions, analysis, and numerical computations presented are meant to offer insights not only into the specificity and accuracy of predictions, but also provide details of the operatic mechanisms involved in the integration and its ensuing rigor. The algorithm uses numerically modified raw hidden markov model scores of well defined sets of training sequences and clusters them on the basis of known function. The results are then fed into an artificial neural network, the predictions of which can be refined using the available data. This pipeline is trained recursively and can be used to discern the dominant principal function, and thereby, annotate an unknown protein sequence. Whilst, the approach is complex, the specificity of the final predictions can benefit laboratory workers design their experiments with greater confidence.


通过通用 HMM-ANN 算法预测蛋白质序列中的显性函数的数学基础
