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Robert Hare’s Theory of Galvanism: A Study of Heat and Electricity in Early Nineteenth-Century American Chemistry
Ambix ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00026980.2018.1452359
Amy Fisher 1

As a professor of chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, Robert Hare actively shaped early American science. He participated in a large network of scholars, including Joseph Henry, François Arago, and Jacob Berzelius, and experimented with and wrote extensively about electricity and its associated chemical and thermal phenomena. In the early nineteenth century, prominent chemists such as Berzelius and Humphry Davy proclaimed that a revolution had occurred in chemistry through electrical research. Examining Robert Hare’s contributions to this discourse, this paper analyzes how Hare’s study of electricity and the caloric theory of heat led him to propose a new theory of galvanism. It also examines the reception of Hare’s work in America and Great Britain, highlighting the contributions of early American chemists to the development of electrochemistry.


罗伯特·黑尔的电流理论:对 19 世纪早期美国化学中的热和电的研究

作为宾夕法尼亚大学的化学教授,罗伯特·黑尔积极塑造了美国早期的科学。他参与了包括约瑟夫·亨利、弗朗索瓦·阿拉戈和雅各布·贝采利乌斯在内的大型学者网络,并就电及其相关的化学和热现象进行了大量实验并撰写了大量文章。在 19 世纪初期,著名的化学家,如 Berzelius 和 Humphry Davy,宣称通过电学研究,化学发生了一场革命。本文考察了罗伯特·黑尔对这一论述的贡献,分析了黑尔对电的研究和热的热学理论如何促使他提出新的电流理论。它还考察了 Hare 作品在美国和英国的接受程度,