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The psychosocial themes of children with a congenital heart defect.
Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-15 , DOI: 10.2989/17280583.2017.1405815
Ronél van der Watt 1 , Carina Pheiffer 1 , Stephen Brown 2

Children living with a congenital heart defect (CHD) carry the burden of a condition affecting their biological, psychological, and social functioning. Even though the physical heartbeats of these children might be inaudible and defective, their intra- and inter-personal 'stories in sound' need to be heard and understood. The aim of this research study was to explore these 'stories in sound' in children diagnosed with CHD. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study using thematic analysis was conducted. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six boys and three girls between the ages of eight and fourteen years, who were diagnosed with CHD. The developmental psychopathology model (DPM) served as a conceptual framework. Five main themes emerged and were related to (i) the participants' understanding of their cardiac diagnoses; (ii) the participants' perceptions regarding their post-operative cardiac statuses; (iii) the participants' psychological experiences related to their cardiac statuses; (iv) the effects of living with CHD on their social functioning; and (v) a unique relationship to their chronic cardiac condition. Within each of these themes, thirteen subthemes were identified. The article concludes that an age-appropriate understanding of CHD and post-operative cardiac status is important, as children's perceptions have implications for their psychosocial experiences and acceptance of living with CHD. These children need comprehensive support from health care professionals.



患有先天性心脏缺陷(CHD)的儿童承担着影响其生物学,心理和社会功能的疾病负担。尽管这些孩子的身体心跳可能听不见且有缺陷,但他们的人际和人际“声音故事”仍需倾听和理解。这项研究的目的是探讨确诊为冠心病的儿童的这些“声音故事”。使用主题分析进行了定性,探索性,描述性研究。对被诊断患有冠心病的六个男孩和三个女孩(年龄在8至14岁之间)进行了半结构化访谈。发展性心理病理学模型(DPM)作为概念框架。出现了五个主要主题,这些主题与(i)参与者的 了解他们的心脏诊断;(ii)参与者对术后心脏状况的看法;(iii)参与者与他们的心脏状况有关的心理经历;(iv)患有冠心病的人对其社交功能的影响;(v)与他们的慢性心脏疾病有独特的关系。在每个主题中,确定了13个子主题。文章的结论是,对年龄的冠心病和术后心脏状况的适当了解很重要,因为儿童的认知会影响他们的心理社会经历和接受冠心病的生活。这些孩子需要医疗保健专业人员的全面支持。与他们的心脏状况有关的心理经验;(iv)患有冠心病的人对其社交功能的影响;(v)与他们的慢性心脏疾病有独特的关系。在每个主题中,确定了13个子主题。文章的结论是,对年龄的冠心病和术后心脏状况的适当了解很重要,因为儿童的认知会影响他们的心理社会经历和接受冠心病的生活。这些孩子需要医疗保健专业人员的全面支持。与他们的心脏状况有关的心理经验;(iv)患有冠心病的人对其社交功能的影响;(v)与他们的慢性心脏疾病有独特的关系。在每个主题中,确定了13个子主题。文章的结论是,对年龄的冠心病和术后心脏状况的适当了解很重要,因为儿童的认知会影响他们的心理社会经历和接受冠心病的生活。这些孩子需要医疗保健专业人员的全面支持。这篇文章的结论是,对年龄的冠心病和术后心脏状况的适当了解很重要,因为儿童的认知会影响他们的心理社会经历和对冠心病患者的接受程度。这些孩子需要医疗保健专业人员的全面支持。文章的结论是,对年龄的冠心病和术后心脏状况的适当了解很重要,因为儿童的认知会影响他们的心理社会经历和接受冠心病的生活。这些孩子需要医疗保健专业人员的全面支持。