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Occupational stress and the importance of self-care and resilience: focus on veterinary nursing.
Irish Veterinary Journal ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-25 , DOI: 10.1186/s13620-017-0108-7
Ciaran Lloyd 1 , Deirdre P Campion 1

BACKGROUND Burnout and compassion fatigue are frequently mentioned in relation to veterinary work. Veterinary nursing is a caring profession and those who seek a career within this field do so because of a natural empathetic desire to care for animals. However it is the individuals who are the most caring and empathetic towards others that will be most at risk of experiencing occupational stress when they are confronted with psychologically demanding workplace roles and working environments. MAIN BODY Burnout is considered an 'unintentional end point' for certain individuals who are exposed to chronic stress within their working environment. When suffering burnout, a person may experience emotional exhaustion, may become more cynical or they may have a reduced sense of personal accomplishment in regards to their own work. Signs of burnout can include increased levels of absenteeism at work, or the working standards of that staff member may decline below that of what would normally be expected of them. This could directly impact on patient care in the veterinary practice. Working in a role that places emotional demands on staff, such as a need to show compassion and empathy towards clients who are emotionally distressed, puts staff at risk from experiencing compassion fatigue. Workplace supports may include appropriate debriefing sessions among willing participants, particularly after an emotionally stressful encounter with a client. Taking personal responsibility for care of one's own mental and physical health is just as important as taking care of the patient's health. Personal strategies may include lifestyle changes, adopting a healthier lifestyle, reduction of working hours, and ensuring adequate sleep. Adopting healthy self-care strategies can promote characteristics of "resilience" - personal qualities or traits such as optimism, self-confidence, level headedness, hardiness, and having the ability to be resourceful during times of adversity. CONCLUSION All veterinary staff may be better prepared to deal with occupational stress related conditions if they gain better insight and ability to recognise the condition in self and others, and if provided with the toolkits to develop coping strategies and resilience.



背景技术倦怠和同情疲劳在兽医工作中经常被提及。兽医护理是一个关爱的职业,那些在该领域寻求职业的人之所以这样做,是因为对动物的自然同情渴望。然而,当他们面临对心理要求很高的工作岗位和工作环境时,最有可能经历职业压力的人是最关心和同情他人的人。对某些在工作环境中长期承受压力的人来说,身体倦怠被认为是一个“无意的终点”。当遭受倦怠时,一个人可能会感到情绪疲惫,可能变得更加愤世嫉俗,或者他们可能对自己的工作缺乏个人成就感。倦怠的迹象可能包括工作缺勤率增加,或者该工作人员的工作标准可能低于通常对他们的期望。这可能直接影响兽医实践中的患者护理。担任对员工提出情感要求的角色,例如需要对情绪困扰的客户表现出同情和同情心,会使员工面临同情疲劳的风险。工作场所支持可能包括在自愿参与者之间进行适当的汇报会,尤其是在与客户遭遇情绪紧张之后。为照顾自己的身心健康承担个人责任与照顾病人的健康同样重要。个人策略可能包括改变生活方式,采用更健康的生活方式,减少工作时间,并确保充足的睡眠。采用健康的自我保健策略可以促进“复原力”的特征——个人品质或特质,如乐观、自信、头脑冷静、坚韧,以及在逆境中足智多谋的能力。结论 如果所有兽医工作人员获得更好的洞察力和识别自我和他人状况的能力,并且如果提供工具包来制定应对策略和复原力,他们可能会更好地准备应对职业压力相关的状况。并有能力在逆境中足智多谋。结论 如果所有兽医工作人员获得更好的洞察力和识别自我和他人状况的能力,并且如果提供工具包来制定应对策略和复原力,他们可能会更好地准备应对职业压力相关的状况。并有能力在逆境中足智多谋。结论 如果所有兽医工作人员获得更好的洞察力和识别自我和他人状况的能力,并且如果提供工具包来制定应对策略和复原力,他们可能会更好地准备应对职业压力相关的状况。