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Management of Citrus Canker in Argentina, a Success Story.
The Plant Pathology Journal ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-01 , DOI: 10.5423/ppj.rw.03.2017.0071
B I Canteros 1 , A M Gochez 1 , R C Moschini 2

Citrus canker is an important bacterial disease of citrus in several regions of the world. Strains of Xanthomonas citri type-A (Xc-A) group are the primary pathogen where citrus canker occurs. After Xc-A entered the Northeast of Argentina in 1974, the disease spread rapidly from 1977 to 1980 and then slowed down and remained moving at slow pace until 1990 when it became endemic. Citrus canker was detected in Northwest Argentina in 2002. This paper presents the main steps in the fight of the disease and the management strategies that have been used to control citrus canker at this time. We think the process might be usefull to other countries with the same situation. Results from more than 40 years of research in Northeast (NE) Argentina indicate that we are at the limit of favorable environment for the disease. The severity of citrus canker is greatly affected by the environment and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon which causes cyclic fluctuations on the disease intensity in the NE region. Weather-based logistic regression models adjusted to quantify disease levels in field conditions showed that the environmental effect was strongly modulated by the distance from a windbreak. Production of healthy fruits in citrus canker endemic areas is possible knowing the dynamics of the disease. A voluntary Integrated Plan to Reduce the Risk of Canker has been in place since 1994 and it allows growers to export unsymptomatic, uninfested fresh fruit to countries which are free of the disease and require healthy, pathogen free fruits. The experience from Argentina can be replicated in other countries after appropriate trials.



柑橘溃疡病是世界多个地区柑橘的一种重要细菌性疾病。柑橘黄单胞菌A 型 (Xc-A) 群菌株是柑橘溃疡病发生的主要病原体。1974年Xc-A进入阿根廷东北部后,该病从1977年到1980年迅速传播,随后放缓并保持缓慢传播,直到1990年成为地方病。2002 年,阿根廷西北部发现了柑橘溃疡病。本文介绍了抗击该病害的主要步骤以及当时用于控制柑橘溃疡病的管理策略。我们认为这个过程可能对具有相同情况的其他国家有用。阿根廷东北部 (NE) 40 多年的研究结果表明,我们正处于对该疾病有利的环境极限。柑橘溃疡病的严重程度受环境和厄尔尼诺南方涛动(ENSO)现象影响较大,导致东北地区病害强度周期性波动。基于天气的逻辑回归模型经过调整以量化现场条件下的疾病水平,结果表明,环境影响受到距防风林距离的强烈调节。了解柑橘溃疡病的动态,就有可能在柑橘溃疡病流行地区生产健康水果。自 1994 年以来,一项自愿性的降低溃疡病风险综合计划已经实施,该计划允许种植者向没有该病害且需要健康、无病原体水果的国家出口无症状、未受感染的新鲜水果。阿根廷的经验经过适当试验后可以在其他国家复制。