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Larch Forests of Middle Siberia: Long-Term Trends in Fire Return Intervals.
Regional Environmental Change ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10113-016-0964-9
Viacheslav I Kharuk 1, 2 , Mariya L Dvinskaya 1 , Ilya A Petrov 1 , Sergei T Im 1, 2, 3 , Kenneth J Ranson 4

Fire history within the northern larch forests of Central Siberia was studied (65 + °N). Fires within this area are predominantly caused by lightning strikes rather than human activity. Mean fire return intervals (FRIs) were found to be 112 ± 49 years (based on firescars) and 106 ± 36 years (based on firescars and tree natality dates). FRIs were increased with latitude increase and observed to be about 80 years at 64°N, about 200 years near the Arctic Circle and about 300 years nearby the northern range limit of larch stands (~71° + N). Northward FRIs increase correlated with incoming solar radiation (r = −0.95). Post-Little Ice Age (LIA) warming (after 1850) caused approximately a doubling of fire events (in comparison with a similar period during LIA). The data obtained support a hypothesis of climate-induced fire frequency increase.



研究了西伯利亚中部北部落叶松森林内的火灾历史(65 +°N)。该区域内的火灾主要是由雷击引起的,而不是人类活动造成的。发现平均回火间隔(FRI)为112±49年(基于火疤)和106±36年(基于火疤和树木的出生日期)。FRIs随着纬度的增加而增加,在北纬64°时约为80年,在北极圈附近约为200年,而在落叶松林分的北范围极限(〜71°+ N)附近则约为300年。北向FRIs与入射太阳辐射相关(r = -0.95)。小冰期后(LIA)的变暖(1850年之后)导致火灾事件大约翻了一番(与LIA期间的类似时期相比)。获得的数据支持由气候引起的火灾频率增加的假设。