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Multiracial Children’s and Adults’ Categorizations of Multiracial Individuals
Journal of Cognition and Development ( IF 2.580 ) Pub Date : 2016-06-03 , DOI: 10.1080/15248372.2015.1086772
Steven Othello Roberts 1 , Susan Gelman 2

Research has explored how multiracial individuals are categorized by monoracial individuals, but it has not yet explored how they are categorized by multiracial individuals themselves. We examined how multiracial children (aged 4–9 years old) and adults categorized multiracial targets (presented with and without parentage information). When parentage information was provided, multiracial targets were more likely to be categorized as neither wholly Black nor wholly White. However, both multiracial adults and children more often categorized multiracial targets as Black than as White regardless of the absence or presence of parentage information. For multiracial children, increased contact with White people predicted the tendency to categorize multiracial targets as Black. These data suggest that multiracial children’s categorizations are more flexible than those of monoracial children in previous research and that the tendency to categorize multiracial targets as Black emerges early in development within multiracial samples and is especially likely in predominantly White contexts.



研究已经探索了如何按单种族个体对多种族个体进行分类,但尚未探索如何按多种族个体本身对其进行分类。我们研究了多种族儿童(4-9 岁)和成人如何对多种族目标进行分类(提供或不提供父母信息)。当提供出身信息时,多种族目标更有可能被归类为既不是全黑人也不是全白人。然而,无论是否存在出身信息,多种族成人和儿童都更经常将多种族目标归类为黑人而不是白人。对于多种族儿童来说,与白人接触的增加预示着将多种族目标归类为黑人的倾向。这些数据表明,在之前的研究中,多种族儿童的分类比单种族儿童的分类更加灵活,并且将多种族目标分类为黑人的倾向在多种族样本的发展早期就出现了,并且在以白人为主的环境中尤其可能出现。