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Pollen percentage thresholds of Abies alba based on 13-year annual records of pollen deposition in modified Tauber traps: perspectives of application to fossil situations
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2013-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2013.03.006
Irena Agnieszka Pidek 1 , Helena Svitavská-Svobodová 2 , Willem O van der Knaap 3 , Eniko Magyari 4

Abies alba (fir), a submontane tree from Central European mountains and uplands, is of special interest for palaeoecological and palaeoclimate interpretations due to its sensitivity to air and soil humidity. Its present distribution limit in the uplands of SE Poland is still a matter of debate. In the Holocene fir expanded to Poland very late, but early fir populations are supposed to occur in the Šumava Mts (Czech Republic). The study aims: to estimate pollen thresholds for fir presence/absence in Bohemia (Czech Republic) and Poland on the basis of modified Tauber pollen traps; to use these thresholds for tracing fir presence in two pollen diagrams from Poland (Słone and Bezedna lakes) in the border zone between the Roztocze region (with fir forest stands today) and Polesie (where fir has never played an important role); and to investigate how the percentage presence/absence threshold can be used to trace the occurrence and abundance of fir trees in the Šumava Mts based on the pollen diagrams of Rokytecká slat' and Mrtvý luh. The fir pollen thresholds estimated in terms of PAR (pollen accumulation rates or pollen influx) range from 843 (grains cm-2 year-1) (Roztocze) to 61 (Krkonoše) and 49 (Šumava). Percentage thresholds range from 0.3% in Krkonoše where fir trees are not present within 4 km to 22% in fir-dominated woodland of the Roztocze, providing evidence of strong underrepresentation of fir in the pollen deposition. Application of these percentage thresholds to the Słone and Bezedna pollen diagrams indicates that occurrence of fir in the region is possible from 3.5 ky cal BP onwards, though the evidence is not decisive. In the Šumava, a low representation of fir pollen (1-2%) reflecting presence of scattered fir trees was detected as early as ca. 7.0 ky cal BP.


基于 13 年改良陶伯诱捕器花粉沉积年度记录的冷杉花粉百分比阈值:对化石情况的应用前景

冷杉(冷杉)是一种来自中欧山区和高地的亚山地树,由于其对空气和土壤湿度的敏感性,因此对古生态和古气候解释具有特别的意义。它目前在波兰东南部高地的分布限制仍然存在争议。在全新世,冷杉很晚才扩展到波兰,但早期的冷杉种群应该出现在舒马瓦山(捷克共和国)。该研究旨在:根据改良的陶伯花粉捕集器估计波希米亚(捷克共和国)和波兰存在/不存在冷杉的花粉阈值;使用这些阈值来追踪来自波兰(Słone 和 Bezedna 湖)在 Roztocze 地区(今天有冷杉林)和 Polesie(冷杉从未发挥过重要作用)之间边界地区的两个花粉图中的冷杉存在;并根据 Rokytecká slat' 和 Mrtvý luh 的花粉图,研究如何使用百分比存在/不存在阈值来追踪 Šumava Mts 中冷杉树的出现和丰度。根据 PAR(花粉积累率或花粉流入量)估计的冷杉花粉阈值范围从 843(谷物 cm-2 year-1)(Roztocze)到 61(Krkonoše)和 49(Šumava)。百分比阈值范围从 4 公里范围内不存在冷杉树的克尔科诺谢 (Krkonoše) 的 0.3% 到 Roztocze 以冷杉为主的林地中的 22%,这表明在花粉沉积中冷杉的代表性严重不足。将这些百分比阈值应用于 Słone 和 Bezedna 花粉图表明,从 3.5 ky cal BP 开始,该地区可能出现冷杉,尽管证据不是决定性的。在舒马瓦,早在大约 ca。7.0 千卡血压。