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Context-specific habituation of the freezing response in newborn chicks.
Behavioral Neuroscience ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-14 , DOI: 10.1037/bne0000212
Cinzia Chiandetti 1 , Massimo Turatto 2

Previous studies have found that in mature animals habituation is context-specific in some species but not in others. Given the mixed evidence present in the literature, we decided to explore whether habituation is context-specific in newborn chicks. The results showed that 3 days after hatching, chicks were capable of using global contextual information to rapidly habituate their freezing response to a series of sudden acoustic stimuli. Our study is the 1st to show context-specific habituation in this avian species, a result in agreement with those of previous findings in adult male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Furthermore, although our study does not intend to provide a systematic investigation of the ontogeny of habituation in this species, our findings show that a few days after hatching, juvenile chicks are capable of a sophisticated associative learning process that takes into account complex environmental information. (PsycINFO Database Record



先前的研究发现,在成年动物中,某些物种的习性是特定于上下文的,而在另一些物种中则不是。考虑到文献中存在的混合证据,我们决定探索新生小鸡的习惯化是否是特定于环境的。结果表明,孵化后3天,雏鸡能够使用全局上下文信息快速习惯其对一系列突然的声刺激的冰冻反应。我们的研究首次显示了该鸟类的特定环境习性,这一结果与成年雄性斑马雀(Taeniopygia guttata)先前发现的结果一致。此外,尽管我们的研究无意对该物种的习惯化个体进行系统的调查,但我们的研究结果表明,孵化几天后,幼雏能够考虑复杂的环境信息,进行复杂的关联学习过程。(PsycINFO数据库记录