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Giuseppe Sergi. The portrait of a positivist scientist.
Journal of Anthropological Sciences ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-11 , DOI: 10.4436/jass.95007
Giovanni Cerro 1

Giuseppe Sergi (1841-1936) was one of the most important anthropologists and psychologists of the age of positivism and this article focuses on three domains of his scientific research: degeneration, eugenics and race. His concept of degeneration is defined as the development of special forms of human adaptation to the environment. This issue is closely related to his theory of the "stratification of character", which had a profound impact on Italian psychiatry and criminal anthropology in the late nineteenth century. Thus, special emphasis is placed on the differences between Sergi and Cesare Lombroso regarding their definitions of criminality and genius. Concerning eugenics, the article analyzes Sergi's key role in the Italian context, discussing his eugenic program based on both repression and education. His remedies against the spread of degeneration included not only radical and repressive measures, but also the improvement of popular education and the living conditions of the working class. In the field of physical anthropology, the article examines Sergi's morphological method of classifying ethnic groups. Although sharply criticized in Italy and abroad, this method had two major effects. First, it led to the definitive split between Sergi and Paolo Mantegazza and to the foundation of the Societá Romana di Antropologia in 1893. Second, it was the starting point for Sergi's theory of Mediterranean "stock", which claimed that European populations were of African origin in contrast to contemporary theories of Aryan supremacy. The article ends with a look at the heated debate over Sergi's Mediterraneanism during the period of Fascism.


朱塞佩·塞尔吉(Giuseppe Sergi)。实证主义者科学家的画像。

朱塞佩·塞尔吉(Giuseppe Sergi(1841-1936))是实证主义时代最重要的人类学家和心理学家之一,本文重点研究他的科学研究的三个领域:变性,优生学和种族。他的退化概念被定义为人类对环境的特殊适应形式的发展。这个问题与他的“人物分层”理论密切相关,后者对19世纪后期的意大利精神病学和犯罪人类学产生了深远的影响。因此,要特别强调塞尔吉和塞萨尔·隆布罗索之间在犯罪和天才方面的区别。关于优生学,本文分析了塞尔吉在意大利背景下的关键作用,并讨论了他基于压抑和教育的优生计划。他针对变性蔓延的补救措施不仅包括采取激进和镇压措施,而且还包括改善大众教育和工人阶级的生活条件。在自然人类学领域,本文考察了塞尔吉人的族群分类方法。尽管此方法在意大利和国外都受到了严厉批评,但它有两个主要作用。首先,它导致了塞尔吉人和保罗·曼特加扎(Paolo Mantegazza)的明确分歧,并导致了1893年罗马社会学的兴起。其次,这是塞尔吉人的地中海“种群”理论的起点,该理论声称欧洲人口是非洲裔与当代雅利安人至高无上的理论形成鲜明对比。文章以对塞尔吉的激烈辩论为结尾