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A higher-level classification of the Pannonian and western Pontic steppe grasslands (Central and Eastern Europe)
Applied Vegetation Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2016-09-16 , DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12265
Wolfgang Willner 1 , Anna Kuzemko 2 , Jürgen Dengler 3 , Milan Chytrý 4 , Norbert Bauer 5 , Thomas Becker 6 , Claudia Biţă-Nicolae 7 , Zoltán Botta-Dukát 8 , Andraž Čarni 9 , János Csiky 10 , Ruzica Igić 11 , Zygmunt Kącki 12 , Iryna Korotchenko 13 , Matthias Kropf 14 , Mirjana Krstivojević-Ćuk 11 , Daniel Krstonošić 15 , Tamás Rédei 8 , Eszter Ruprecht 16 , Luise Schratt-Ehrendorfer 17 , Yuri Semenishchenkov 18 , Zvjezdana Stančić 19 , Yulia Vashenyak 20 , Denys Vynokurov 13 , Monika Janišová 21

Abstract Questions What are the main floristic patterns in the Pannonian and western Pontic steppe grasslands? What are the diagnostic species of the major subdivisions of the class Festuco‐Brometea (temperate Euro‐Siberian dry and semi‐dry grasslands)? Location Carpathian Basin (E Austria, SE Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, N Croatia and N Serbia), Ukraine, S Poland and the Bryansk region of W Russia. Methods We applied a geographically stratified resampling to a large set of relevés containing at least one indicator species of steppe grasslands. The resulting data set of 17 993 relevés was classified using the TWINSPAN algorithm. We identified groups of clusters that corresponded to the class Festuco‐Brometea. After excluding relevés not belonging to our target class, we applied a consensus of three fidelity measures, also taking into account external knowledge, to establish the diagnostic species of the orders of the class. The original TWINSPAN divisions were revised on the basis of these diagnostic species. Results The TWINSPAN classification revealed soil moisture as the most important environmental factor. Eight out of 16 TWINSPAN groups corresponded to Festuco‐Brometea. A total of 80, 32 and 58 species were accepted as diagnostic for the orders Brometalia erecti, Festucetalia valesiacae and Stipo‐Festucetalia pallentis, respectively. In the further subdivision of the orders, soil conditions, geographic distribution and altitude could be identified as factors driving the major floristic patterns. Conclusions We propose the following classification of the Festuco‐Brometea in our study area: (1) Brometalia erecti (semi‐dry grasslands) with Scabioso ochroleucae‐Poion angustifoliae (steppe meadows of the forest zone of E Europe) and Cirsio‐Brachypodion pinnati (meadow steppes on deep soils in the forest‐steppe zone of E Central and E Europe); (2) Festucetalia valesiacae (grass steppes) with Festucion valesiacae (grass steppes on less developed soils in the forest‐steppe zone of E Central and E Europe) and Stipion lessingianae (grass steppes in the steppe zone); (3) Stipo‐Festucetalia pallentis (rocky steppes) with Asplenio septentrionalis‐Festucion pallentis (rocky steppes on siliceous and intermediate soils), Bromo‐Festucion pallentis (thermophilous rocky steppes on calcareous soils), Diantho‐Seslerion (dealpine Sesleria caerulea grasslands of the Western Carpathians) and Seslerion rigidae (dealpine Sesleria rigida grasslands of the Romanian Carpathians).


Pannonian 和西部 Pontic 草原草原的更高级别分类(中欧和东欧)

摘要问题 Pannonian 和西部 Pontic 草原草原的主要植物区系模式是什么?Festuco-Brometea 类(温带欧洲-西伯利亚干旱和半干旱草原)主要细分的诊断物种是什么?位置喀尔巴阡盆地(奥地利东部、捷克共和国东南部、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚北部和塞尔维亚北部)、乌克兰、波兰南部和俄罗斯西部的布良斯克地区。方法 我们对包含至少一个草原草原指标物种的大量相关区域应用地理分层重采样。使用 TWINSPAN 算法对生成的 17 993 个相关数据集进行分类。我们确定了与 Festuco-Brometea 类相对应的集群组。在排除不属于我们目标类别的相关人员后,我们应用了三个保真度度量的共识,还要考虑到外部知识,建立诊断种类的目类。最初的 TWINSPAN 分类是在这些诊断物种的基础上修订的。结果 TWINSPAN 分类显示土壤水分是最重要的环境因素。16 个 TWINSPAN 组中有 8 个对应于 Festuco-Brometea。共有 80、32 和 58 个物种被分别接受为 Brometalia erecti、Festucetalia valesiacae 和 Stipo-Festucetalia pallentis 目的诊断。在目的进一步细分中,土壤条件、地理分布和海拔高度可以被确定为驱动主要植物区系模式的因素。结论 我们建议对我们研究区域的 Festuco-Brometea 进行以下分类:(1) Brometalia erecti (半干草原) 与 Scabioso ochroleucae-Poion angustifoliae (E 欧洲森林带的草原草甸) 和 Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati (E Central 和 E 森林草原带深层土壤上的草甸草原)欧洲); (2) Festucetalia valesiacae (grass steppes) 与 Festucion valesiacae (在中欧东部和欧洲东部森林草原地带欠发达土壤上的草地草原) 和 Stipion lessingianae (草原地带的草地草原);(3) Stipo-Festucetalia pallentis(岩石草原)和 Asplenio septentrionalis-Festucion pallentis(硅质和中间土壤上的岩石草原)、Bromo-Festucion pallentis(石灰质土壤上的嗜热岩石草原),