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Peripheral androgen action helps modulate vocal production in a suboscine passerine
Ornithology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2014-07-01 , DOI: 10.1642/auk-13-252.1
Matthew J Fuxjager 1 , Jonathan B Heston 2 , Barney A Schlinger 3

ABSTRACT Androgenic activation of intracellular androgen receptors (AR) influences avian vocal production, though this has largely been investigated at the level of the brain. We investigated the influence of predominantly peripheral AR on vocal output in wild Golden-collared Manakins (Manacus vitellinus). In this suboscine species, males court females by performing acrobatic displays and by producing relatively simple chee-poo vocalizations. To assess whether peripheral AR influences the acoustic structure of these vocal signals, we treated reproductively active adult males with the peripherally selective antiandrogen bicalutamide and then measured phonation performance. Inhibiting AR outside of the central nervous system increased the duration of the chee note and decreased the fundamental frequency of the poo note. This treatment caused no discernable change to chee-poo frequency modulation or entropy. Our results show that activation of peripheral AR mediates note-specific changes to temporal and pitch characteristics of the Golden-collared Manakin's main sexual call. Thus, our study provides one of the first demonstrations that androgenic action originating outside of the brain and likely on musculoskeletal targets can modulate avian vocal production.


外周雄激素作用有助于调节 suboscine passerine 的发声

摘要 细胞内雄激素受体 (AR) 的雄激素激活影响鸟类发声,尽管这主要是在大脑水平上进行的。我们调查了主要是外周 AR 对野生金领 Manakins (Manacus vitellinus) 声音输出的影响。在这种亚鱼种中,雄性通过表演杂技表演和产生相对简单的chee-poo发声来向雌性求爱。为了评估外周 AR 是否影响这些声音信号的声学结构,我们用外周选择性抗雄激素比卡鲁胺治疗生殖活跃的成年男性,然后测量发声性能。在中枢神经系统之外抑制 AR 会增加奶酪的持续时间并降低便便的基频。这种处理对chee-poo频率调制或熵没有造成可辨别的变化。我们的结果表明,外围 AR 的激活介导了金领 Manakin 主要性呼唤的时间和音高特征的特定音符变化。因此,我们的研究提供了第一个证明,即源自大脑外部并可能在肌肉骨骼目标上产生的雄激素作用可以调节鸟类发声。