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Agonistic display or courtship behavior? A review of contests over mating opportunity in butterflies
Journal of Ethology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2016-09-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10164-016-0487-3
Tsuyoshi Takeuchi 1

Male butterflies compete over mating opportunities. Two types of contest behavior are reported. Males of various butterfly species compete over a mating territory via aerial interactions until one of the two contestants retreats. Males of other butterfly species fly around larval food plants to find receptive females. Males of some species among the latter type can find a conspecific pupa, and they gather around it without expelling their rivals. Scramble competition over mating occurs when a female emerges from the pupa. Many studies have been performed on territorial species, and their contest resolution has often been understood from the point of view of contest models based on game theory. However, these models cannot explain why these butterflies perform contest displays despite the fact that they do not have the ability to attack their opponent. A recent study based on Lloyd Morgan’s Canon showed that territorial contests of male butterflies are better understood as erroneous courtship between sexually active males. In this paper, I review research on contests over mating opportunity in butterflies, and show that the erroneous courtship framework can explain not only territorial contests of butterflies but also why males do not determine the owner of a conspecific pupa.



雄性蝴蝶争夺交配机会。报告了两种类型的竞赛行为。各种蝴蝶的雄性通过空中互动在交配领土上竞争,直到两个参赛者中的一个撤退。其他蝴蝶物种的雄性在幼虫食用植物周围飞行,以寻找能接受的雌性。后一种类型中的某些物种的雄性可以找到同种蛹,它们会聚集在它周围而不驱逐它们的竞争对手。当雌性从蛹中出现时,就会发生争夺交配的竞争。已经对领土物种进行了许多研究,并且通常从基于博弈论的竞赛模型的角度来理解它们的竞赛解决方案。然而,这些模型无法解释为什么这些蝴蝶尽管没有攻击对手的能力,但仍会进行比赛展示。最近一项基于劳埃德·摩根 (Lloyd Morgan) 的佳能 (Canon) 的研究表明,雄性蝴蝶的领土争夺更容易理解为性活跃的雄性之间的错误求爱。在本文中,我回顾了关于蝴蝶交配机会竞争的研究,并表明错误的求偶框架不仅可以解释蝴蝶的领土争夺,还可以解释为什么雄性不决定同种蛹的主人。