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Effects of hemin, CO2, and pH on the branching of Candida albicans filamentous forms.
Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-12 , DOI: 10.1556/030.63.2016.023
Ágnes Jakab 1 , Károly Antal 2 , Tamás Emri 1 , Imre Boczonádi 1 , Alexandra Imre 1 , Enikő Gebri 3 , László Majoros 4 , Walter Péter Pfliegler 1, 5 , Máté Szarka 6 , György Balla 7, 8 , József Balla 8, 9 , István Pócsi 1

Morphological transitions of wild-type and oxidative stress-tolerant Candida albicans strains were followed in the RPMI-FBS culture medium at pH values and CO2 levels characteristic for the anatomical niches inhabited by this opportunistic human pathogen fungus, including the oral cavity as well as the intestinal and vaginal lumens. Selected cultures were also supplemented with hemin modeling bleedings. Germination as well as elongation and branching of hyphae were monitored in the cultures using time-lapse video microscopy. Unexpectedly, branching time, which is defined as the time taken until the first branch of hypha emerges for the first time after germination, correlated well with alterations in the environmental conditions meanwhile no such correlations were found for germination time (time lasted until the appearance of the germination tube). Based on these observations, hypotheses were set up to estimate the significance of branching time in the pathogenesis of both superficial and systemic candidiases.



在pH值和CO 2下,在RPMI-FBS培养基中跟踪野生型和耐氧化胁迫的白色念珠菌菌株的形态学转变。这种机会性人类病原体真菌(包括口腔以及肠腔和阴道腔)所居住的解剖位的特征水平。选定的文化还补充了血红素模型出血。使用延时视频显微镜在培养物中监测菌丝的萌发以及菌丝的伸长和分支。出乎意料的是,分支时间(定义为发芽后菌丝第一个分支首次出现所需的时间)与环境条件的变化有很好的相关性,而发芽时间却没有发现这样的相关性(持续时间直至发芽的时间)。发芽管)。基于这些观察,