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Correlated responses in death-feigning behavior, activity, and brain biogenic amine expression in red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum strains selected for walking distance
Journal of Ethology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2015-12-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10164-015-0452-6
Kentarou Matsumura 1 , Ken Sasaki 2 , Takahisa Miyatake 1

Abstract Dispersal ability may influence antipredator and mating strategies. A previous study showed a trade-off between predation avoidance and mating success in strains of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum selected for walking distance . Specifically, beetles derived from strains selected for longer walking distance suffered higher predation pressure and had higher male mating success than their counterparts derived from strains selected for shorter walking distance. In the study reported here, we compared the locomotor activity, biogenic amine expression in the brain, and death-feigning behavior of the red flour beetle strains selected for walking distance. The results indicated that individuals genetically predisposed to longer walking distance had higher locomotor activity and lower intensity of death-feigning behavior than those genetically predisposed to shorter walking distance. However, no significant differences were found in the expression of biogenic amines in the brain among strains selected for walking distance, although the level of dopamine in the brain differed from that of the strains divergently selected for duration of death-feigning behavior. The relationships between walking speed, activity, death-feigning behavior, and brain biogenic amines in T. castaneum are discussed.


选择步行距离的红粉甲虫 Tribolium castaneum 菌株的假死行为、活动和脑生物胺表达的相关反应

摘要 散布能力可能会影响反捕食者和交配策略。先前的一项研究表明,在选择步行距离的红粉甲虫 Tribolium castaneum 菌株中,在避免捕食和交配成功之间存在权衡。具体而言,与来自选择用于较短步行距离的品系的甲虫相比,来自选择较长步行距离的品系的甲虫遭受更高的捕食压力并且具有更高的雄性交配成功率。在这里报道的研究中,我们比较了步行距离选择的红粉甲虫菌株的运动活动、大脑中生物胺的表达和假死行为。结果表明,与遗传倾向较短的个体相比,具有较长步行距离遗传倾向的个体具有更高的运动能力和较低的假死行为强度。然而,在选择步行距离的菌株之间,大脑中生物胺的表达没有显着差异,尽管大脑中的多巴胺水平与根据假死行为的持续时间不同选择的菌株不同。讨论了步行速度、活动、假死行为和 T. castaneum 大脑生物胺之间的关系。尽管大脑中的多巴胺水平与假装死亡行为持续时间不同的菌株不同。讨论了步行速度、活动、假死行为和 T. castaneum 大脑生物胺之间的关系。尽管大脑中的多巴胺水平与假装死亡行为持续时间不同的菌株不同。讨论了步行速度、活动、假死行为和 T. castaneum 大脑生物胺之间的关系。