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Ecology and Management of Kudzu Bug (Hemiptera: Plataspidae) in Southeastern Soybeans
Journal of Integrated Pest Management ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jipm/pmw013
Sriyanka Lahiri 1 , Dominic D Reisig 2

Kudzu bug, Megacopta cribraria Fabricius (Hemiptera: Plataspidae), is an invasive exotic pest of soybeans that has been present in the southeastern United States since 2009 and has been rapidly spreading through soybean-producing states. Their primary reproductive hosts in the United States are soybean, kudzu, pigeon pea, black eye pea, lima bean, pinto bean, wisteria, white sweet clover, white clover, red clover, alfalfa, perennial peanut, and American joint vetch. In soybeans, the kudzu bug feeds on vascular fluids at the stem, petiole, and nodes, causing yield losses of up to 60%. The current management recommendation for this pest includes spraying of pyrethroids such as bifenthrin, but this method is not environmentally friendly, as this negatively impacts beneficial insect populations. Sustainable management tactics, including the development of economic thresholds for insecticide sprays, assessing the spatial and temporal distribution of this pest, manipulating cultivation practices, use of biological control, and host plant resistance, are currently being explored. We present an overview of the ecology of the kudzu bug in soybeans and available management tactics to assist with the management of this potentially devastating pest of soybeans as it spreads westward.



Kudzu bug,Megacopta cribraria Fabricius(半翅目:Plataspidae),是一种外来入侵大豆害虫,自 2009 年以来一直存在于美国东南部,并已在大豆生产州迅速蔓延。它们在美国的主要繁殖宿主是大豆、葛根、木豆、黑眼豆、利马豆、斑豆、紫藤、白甜三叶草、白三叶草、红三叶草、紫花苜蓿、多年生花生和美洲野豌豆。在大豆中,葛根虫以茎、叶柄和节上的维管液为食,导致产量损失高达 60%。目前对这种害虫的管理建议包括喷洒除虫菊酯,如联苯菊酯,但这种方法对环境不友好,因为这会对有益昆虫种群产生负面影响。可持续管理策略,包括制定杀虫剂喷雾的经济阈值、评估这种害虫的时空分布、操纵栽培做法、使用生物防治和寄主植物抗性,目前正在探索中。我们概述了大豆中葛根虫的生态学和可用的管理策略,以帮助管理这种向西传播的潜在破坏性大豆害虫。