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Y chromosome b2/b3 deletions and male infertility: A comprehensive meta-analysis, trial sequential analysis and systematic review.
Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-05-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mrrev.2016.04.007
Sandeep Kumar Bansal 1 , Gopal Gupta 1 , Singh Rajender 1

The correlation of Y-chromosome b2/b3 partial deletions with spermatogenic failure remains dubious. We undertook a systematic review of the literature followed by meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses in order to compare the frequency of b2/b3 deletions between oligo/azoospermic infertile and normozoospermicmen. Out of twenty-four studies reviewed for meta-analysis, twenty reported no correlation between this deletion and male infertility and two studies each reported a direct and inverse correlation. In the collective analysis, 241 out of 8892 (2.71%) oligo/azoospermic individuals and 118 out of 5842 (2.02%) normozoospermic controls had a b2/b3 deletion, suggesting a relatively higher frequency of deletions in the cases. Eventually, meta-analysis showed a significant correlation between b2/b3 deletions and the risk of spermatogenic loss/infertility (Fixed model: OR=1.313, 95% CI=1.04-1.65, p=0.02; Random model: OR=1.315, 95% CI=1.02-1.70, p=0.037). Further meta-analysis on studies grouped by ethnicity and geographic regions showed that the b2/b3 deletions are significantly associated with spermatogenic loss/infertility in Mongolians, Nigro-Caucasians, East Asians and Africans, but not in Caucasians, Europeans, South Asians and Dravidians. In summary, the Y-chromosome b2/b3 deletions increase infertility risk; however, it may be significant only in the Mongolian populations and the East Asian region.


Y染色体b2 / b3缺失与男性不育:全面的荟萃分析,试验序贯分析和系统评价。

Y染色体b2 / b3部分缺失与生精功能衰竭的相关性尚不明确。我们对文献进行了系统的综述,随后进行了荟萃分析和试验性顺序分析,以比较少精/无精子不育者和正常精子人中b2 / b3缺失的频率。在进行荟萃分析的24篇研究中,有20篇报道了这种缺失与男性不育之间没有相关性,而两项研究均报道了正相关和反相关。在集体分析中,少精/无精子个体中有892名(241%)(2.71%),少精子对照中有5842名中有118名(2.02%)具有b2 / b3缺失,表明这种情况下的缺失频率相对较高。最终,荟萃分析显示,b2 / b3缺失与生精丧失/不育风险之间存在显着相关性(固定模型:OR = 1.313,95%CI = 1.04-1.65,p = 0.02;随机模型:OR = 1.315,95%CI = 1.02-1.70,p = 0.037)。对按种族和地理区域分组的研究进行的进一步荟萃分析表明,b2 / b3缺失与蒙古族,尼古拉高加索人,东亚人和非洲人的生精能力丧失/不育症显着相关,而在高加索人,欧洲人,南亚人和德拉维人中则不存在。 。总而言之,Y染色体b2 / b3缺失会增加不孕风险。但是,这可能仅在蒙古族人口和东亚地区才有意义。对按种族和地理区域分组的研究进行的进一步荟萃分析表明,b2 / b3缺失与蒙古族,尼古拉高加索人,东亚人和非洲人的生精能力丧失/不育症显着相关,而在高加索人,欧洲人,南亚人和德拉维人中则不存在。 。总之,Y染色体b2 / b3缺失会增加不孕风险。但是,这可能仅在蒙古族人口和东亚地区才有意义。对按种族和地理区域分组的研究进行的进一步荟萃分析表明,b2 / b3缺失与蒙古族,尼古拉高加索人,东亚人和非洲人的生精能力丧失/不育症显着相关,而在高加索人,欧洲人,南亚人和德拉维人中则不存在。 。总之,Y染色体b2 / b3缺失会增加不孕风险。但是,这可能仅在蒙古族人口和东亚地区才有意义。