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Description of the larval stage of Drusus mixtus (Pictet, 1834) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae: Drusinae) with notes on its ecology and zoogeography
Limnologica ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2011-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2010.10.006
Johann Waringer 1 , Wolfram Graf 2 , Thomas Pitsch 3 , Steffen U Pauls 4 , Ana Previšić 5 , Mladen Kučinić 5

In the Swiss Jura adults of Drusus mixtus and unknown Drusinae larvae which could not be identified with existing keys were sampled. Based on ripe pupae, the unknown larvae were identified as D. mixtus. The association was confirmed by specimen rearing in aquaria. Based on morphology, larvae of Drusus mixtus key out together with D. croaticus in existing keys. D. mixtus is separated from the latter species by the shape of the anteromedian metanotal sclerites which are broadly triangular, whereas in D. croaticus the sclerites are almost parallel-sided, resembling a stretched rectangle. In addition, the two species are geographically well separated: D. croaticus is restricted to the confines of Croatia and Slovenia, whereas D. mixtus is only present in Switzerland and eastern France. With this present paper, all Central European Drusinae species except Drusus chapmani McL, 1901 (France, Switzerland) and D. noricus Malicky, 1981, an endemic from the Saualpe (Carinthia, Austria), are known in the larval stage.


Drusus mixtus (Pictet, 1834) (毛翅目: Limnephilidae: Drusinae) 幼虫阶段的描述及其生态学和动物地理学的注释

在瑞士侏罗地区,采集了无法用现有钥匙识别的 Drusus mixtus 和未知 Drusinae 幼虫的成虫。根据成熟的蛹,未知的幼虫被鉴定为D. mixtus。这种关联通过在水族箱中饲养标本得到证实。根据形态学,Drusus mixtus 的幼虫与 D. croaticus 一起在现有的键中键出。D. mixtus 与后者的区别在于前中部后生骨片的形状为宽三角形,而在 D. croaticus 中,骨片几乎是平行的,类似于拉伸的矩形。此外,这两个物种在地理上相距甚远:D. croaticus 仅限于克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚,而 D. mixtus 仅存在于瑞士和法国东部。有了这篇论文,