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Head Movement Dynamics during Play and Perturbed Mother-Infant Interaction
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2015-10-01 , DOI: 10.1109/taffc.2015.2422702
Zakia Hammal 1 , Jeffrey F Cohn 2 , Daniel S Messinger 3

We investigated the dynamics of head movement in mothers and infants during an age-appropriate, well-validated emotion induction, the Still Face paradigm. In this paradigm, mothers and infants play normally for 2 minutes (Play) followed by 2 minutes in which the mothers remain unresponsive (Still Face), and then two minutes in which they resume normal behavior (Reunion). Participants were 42 ethnically diverse 4-month-old infants and their mothers. Mother and infant angular displacement and angular velocity were measured using the CSIRO head tracker. In male but not female infants, angular displacement increased from Play to Still-Face and decreased from Still Face to Reunion. Infant angular velocity was higher during Still-Face than Reunion with no differences between male and female infants. Windowed cross-correlation suggested changes in how infant and mother head movements are associated, revealing dramatic changes in direction of association. Coordination between mother and infant head movement velocity was greater during Play compared with Reunion. Together, these findings suggest that angular displacement, angular velocity and their coordination between mothers and infants are strongly related to age-appropriate emotion challenge. Attention to head movement can deepen our understanding of emotion communication.



我们调查了母亲和婴儿在适合年龄的、经过充分验证的情绪诱导过程中头部运动的动态,即静止脸范式。在这种范式中,母亲和婴儿正常玩耍 2 分钟 (Play),然后是 2 分钟,其中母亲仍然没有反应 (Still Face),然后是两分钟,他们恢复正常行为 (Reunion)。参与者是 42 名不同种族的 4 个月大婴儿及其母亲。使用 CSIRO 头部跟踪器测量母亲和婴儿的角位移和角速度。在男婴而非女婴中,角位移从 Play 到 Still-Face 增加,从 Still Face 到 Reunion 减少。Still-Face 期间的婴儿角速度高于 Reunion,男女婴儿之间没有差异。窗口互相关表明婴儿和母亲头部运动的关联方式发生了变化,揭示了关联方向的巨大变化。与 Reunion 相比,Play 期间母婴头部运动速度的协调性更强。总之,这些研究结果表明,角位移、角速度及其母婴之间的协调与适合年龄的情绪挑战密切相关。注意头部运动可以加深我们对情绪交流的理解。母婴之间的角速度及其协调性与适合年龄的情绪挑战密切相关。注意头部运动可以加深我们对情绪交流的理解。母婴之间的角速度及其协调性与适合年龄的情绪挑战密切相关。注意头部运动可以加深我们对情绪交流的理解。