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Improving low-income preschoolers’ theory of mind: A training study
Cognitive Development ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2015-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2015.07.001
Virginia Tompkins 1

This study examined the efficacy of training theory of mind via storybook interactions focused on characters' mental states (i.e., beliefs and emotions) in a sample of 73 low-income preschoolers, and determined if training transferred to social competence. Children in the experimental group participated in experimenter-led book interactions in which characters' false beliefs and emotions were discussed. Children in the first control group were read the same stories, but without the embedded discussions; children in the second control group were not read books. Children's false belief understanding, emotion understanding, and social competence were assessed at pretest, an immediate posttest, and a delayed posttest two months later. Children in the experimental group outperformed both controls on false belief understanding, but not emotion understanding or social competence, at both posttests.



本研究以 73 名低收入学龄前儿童为样本,通过以人物心理状态(即信念和情绪)为重点的故事书互动,检验了心理训练理论的有效性,并确定了训练是否转移到社交能力上。实验组的孩子们参与了由实验者主导的书籍互动,讨论了人物的错误信念和情绪。第一控制组的儿童阅读相同的故事,但没有嵌入讨论;第二对照组的孩子不读书。在前测、即时后测和两个月后的延迟后测中评估儿童的错误信念理解、情感理解和社交能力。实验组的儿童在错误信念理解上的表现优于两个对照组,