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The Process Model of Group-Based Emotion: Integrating Intergroup Emotion and Emotion Regulation Perspectives.
Personality and Social Psychology Review ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2015-04-15 , DOI: 10.1177/1088868315581263
Amit Goldenberg 1 , Eran Halperin 2 , Martijn van Zomeren 3 , James J Gross 4

Scholars interested in emotion regulation have documented the different goals and strategies individuals have for regulating their emotions. However, little attention has been paid to the regulation of group-based emotions, which are based on individuals' self-categorization as a group member and occur in response to situations perceived as relevant for that group. We propose a model for examining group-based emotion regulation that integrates intergroup emotions theory and the process model of emotion regulation. This synergy expands intergroup emotion theory by facilitating further investigation of different goals (i.e., hedonic or instrumental) and strategies (e.g., situation selection and modification strategies) used to regulate group-based emotions. It also expands emotion regulation research by emphasizing the role of self-categorization (e.g., as an individual or a group member) in the emotional process. Finally, we discuss the promise of this theoretical synergy and suggest several directions for future research on group-based emotion regulation.


