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Research advancements in palm oil nutrition
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2014-10-01 , DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201400076
Choo Yuen May 1 , Kalanithi Nesaretnam 1

Palm oil is the major oil produced, with annual world production in excess of 50 million tonnes. About 85% of global palm oil produced is used in food applications. Over the past three decades, research on nutritional benefits of palm oil have demonstrated the nutritional adequacy of palm oil and its products, and have resulted in transitions in the understanding these attributes. Numerous studies have demonstrated that palm oil was similar to unsaturated oils with regards to effects on blood lipids. Palm oil provides a healthy alternative to trans-fatty acid containing hydrogenated fats that have been demonstrated to have serious deleterious effects on health. The similar effects of palm oil on blood lipids, comparable to other vegetable oils could very well be due to the structure of the major triglycerides in palm oil, which has an unsaturated fatty acid in the stereospecific numbers (sn)-2 position of the glycerol backbone. In addition, palm oil is well endowed with a bouquet of phytonutrients beneficial to health, such as tocotrienols, carotenoids, and phytosterols. This review will provide an overview of studies that have established palm oil as a balanced and nutritious oil.



棕榈油是主要的石油生产品,世界年产量超过 5000 万吨。全球生产的棕榈油约 85% 用于食品应用。在过去的三十年中,对棕榈油营养益处的研究证明了棕榈油及其产品的营养充足性,并导致了对这些属性的理解的转变。大量研究表明,棕榈油对血脂的影响与不饱和油相似。棕榈油提供了一种健康的替代品,可替代含有氢化脂肪的反式脂肪酸,而氢化脂肪已被证明对健康具有严重的有害影响。与其他植物油相比,棕榈油对血脂的类似影响很可能是由于棕榈油中主要甘油三酯的结构,其在甘油的立体特异性数字 (sn)-2 位置具有不饱和脂肪酸骨干。此外,棕榈油富含对健康有益的植物营养素,如生育三烯酚、类胡萝卜素和植物甾醇。本综述将概述棕榈油作为一种平衡且营养丰富的油的研究。